{1} Kim Seokjin

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You're currently laying with your back against your loving boyfriend Jin as he has his arms around you pulled into a back hug

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You're currently laying with your back against your loving boyfriend Jin as he has his arms around you pulled into a back hug. He had a day off so you decided to watch a movie together, as you didn't held a movie night in what felt like forever. You're not really paying attention to the movie though, since you preferred another genre, but since you're nice you let him have his fun and you let him pick a movie.

You just enjoyed being in his arms like this. He chuckles as a funny scene comes on, and you can feel the vibrations of it through his chest. You chuckle just because he does. Just because his smile and the thought of him having a good time makes you happy as well. You smile and take another handful of chips from the bowl on your lap.

"Hey, save some for me." Jin whines as he quickly takes a handful too.

"Sorry Jinnie, but you know me. When I start eating you have to rip me away from it for me to stop." You answer, already having a few bites stuffed in your mouth.

He chuckles.  "It's okay, I love your chubby form."

"So now you say I'm fat?" You scoff after you swallowed the chips.

"What?! No I never said that!" His arms around you tighten a little as if to get his point across stronger.

"But you thought it." You pout.

"No I didn't!"

"Yeaahh right." You tap his hands because he has a bit of a strong hold on you, and his grip immediately gets softer. He will never, ever do something to hurt you, or make you uncomfortable. One of the things you love about him, his caring side, wanting to make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. You take his hands in yours and free yourself from his embrace.

"What are you-"

"I'm going to bed." You cut him off, standing up. You put the bowl on the table and head to the bedroom.

"Why? The movie's still playing."

You ignore him.

"Is it because of what I said? Babe you're not fat! I'd never say that!"

You weren't mad at him at all. In fact, it was actually funny to mess with him a bit. He always pulled lame pranks on you - you really blamed their Maknae for that - and the end of all his dad jokes wasn't anywhere close, so this was your little revenge. You continued ignoring him as you walk up the stairs. You hear him sigh and soon the voices of the actors in the movie comes to a stop, as Jin switches off the television.

"There goes my movie." You hear him whine and at that you slightly chuckle. At least he cares more for you than a movie, what a compliment. You didn't expect less from Jin though.

"Baby wait."

You open your bedroom door as you hear him walking up the stairs. You quickly close the door and lock it.

"Don't ignore me I told you I'm-"

You hear a loud noise and directly after a cry of pain from Jin.

"What- Why did you close the door?! Why are you doing something like a crime to me! My perfectly shaped face can't be ruined!"

You roll your eyes at that. His love for his handsomeness never faded even the slightest bit.

"Please open the door." His voice is soft now.

"No." You simply answer with a stern voice.

"But why? Do I have to sleep on the couch tonight?"


You weren't actually planning on letting him there. How could you? Didn't want your man to get sick now, do you?

"Well..." Jin's voice sounded again.  "I'm not going downstairs to lay on the couch. I'm staying here."

You hear a soft thud on the other side of the door as Jin slides down against it to sit down on the floor.

"Just know I'm sorry. You're not fat. Not at all! Even if you were I'd still love you. You're always handsome you know that."

You could already guess what was coming next..

"But me more the handsome."

You facepalm yourself with a soft laugh. You could already see him doing his famous blowing kiss. With a sigh you walk back towards the door.

"You're not joking, right? Because I will let you stay there."

"Of course I'm not!" He whines.  "Please forgive meee!"

You smile again and open the door, knowing damn well he's resting against it.

"Nonono wait-" Hearing you pull the handle down Jin starts to panic, but before he can finish his sentence he's on his back on the floor, looking up at you with a surprised face. He quickly composes himself.

"Hi." He says and casually sends a wink your way.

"Get up and come in, before I change my mind."

He doesn't wait a second before quickly getting up and changing as fast as he can.

"Why is he like this?" You ask yourself, not noticing you said it out loud.

"Because... I am.. Me?" He furrows his eyebrows.  "I don't know, just- Never mind. I'm sorry." He smiles at you before quickly getting in bed. You climb in besides him and turn your back to him, you didn't quite find your revenge enough yet. Besides, he was cute when he was sorry.

"Awe c'mon, not even going to give me a goodnight kiss?"  He pouts.

"No."  You mutter under your breath.

"Well.." You hear him move behind you.  "I don't mind in doing it myself sometimes." He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. Your back now resting against him. He swiftly leans over you and pecks you lips, before laying down and back-hugging you again.

"You aren't really mad at me, are you?" He asks you in a soft voice. You scoff. He knows you can't. With that face, that voice and the way he acts, you just can't be mad at him.

"No, I'm not."

"I knew it, you love me."

"Yeah yeah."

"What? Don't want to say it? Don't want to admit you're madly in love with me?" He asks in a cocky voice. You hide your face in your hands from embarrassment, even though he can't see you since he's behind you. He laughs which makes you smile as well.

"I love you." You softly say from behind your hands.

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you, say it again?" You could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"I love you." You slightly move your hands so your voice could reach his ears.

"Again? Couldn't hear you clearly."

"I love you!" You say louder, this time removing your hands completely and turning around, burring your face in his broad chest.

"I know you love me, I love me too." He grins widely at you, making your heart flutter. You hit his chest gently.  "Stop joking, you can still sleep on the couch if you want. My offer still stands."

He quickly pulls you closer and places a kiss on your forehead.  "Please no, I want to sleep here." He whines.

"Fine, but don't make me regret it!"

"I won't, promise." He pecks your cheek.  "Love you, princess."

"Love you too."

And with that, you both relax and soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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