{59} Kim Taehyung

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2852 words

I suddenly got a boost of inspiration, so this imagine is written in like an hour or something.
Also part 60, yaay 👏🏻🎉

I made a reference to a drama again, you can marry me if you know which one 🤧

A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you let yourself fall down on the couch, Taehyung following closely after you

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A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you let yourself fall down on the couch, Taehyung following closely after you.

Today was Monday, the day of the week where Tae and you would do something together, since you were best friends since kindergarten.

But lately, he had been acting differently, like something was bothering him. You tried talking to him about it a lot of times, but he just wouldn't talk to you.

The day had started off pretty normal, but after you went for some icecream and the guy from the icecream cart started talking with you, he got quiet.

Quiet wasn't a thing Taehyung was very often, so of course you felt like it was your fault.

"I'm gonna get some water." Taehyung suddenly said in a monotone voice. All you did was nod and softly smile at him, you just didn't know what to say.

He stood up and walked off to the kitchen, knowing he wouldn't have to wait for you since you basically treated each other's home like your own. How could it be any different, when you grew up together.

You stared at your reflection in the turned off television, seeing your bangs were slightly messed up because of the wind outside.

You furrowed your eyebrows and reached a hand up, brushing your fingers through your brown bangs to straighten them out.

Soon Taehyung came back with two glasses of water, handing you one as well.

"Thank you." You softly said. All he did was nod before sipping on the drink, not even sparing you a single glance.

You felt bad. You always told each other when something was bothering you, and now he didn't... You just felt like you were a burden to him.

You felt like you did something wrong, like he didn't want to talk to you anymore, or not wanted you to be around.

You knew that probably wasn't the case, but after your past you couldn't help but feel that way.

You didn't had the most amazing past, a lot of your so called 'friends' left you on times you needed them the most. Your parents weren't the best either, as they often left you alone to go out and have some fun and get drunk, even on times when you were really sick.

All these thoughts caused your eyes to sting, so you quickly downed the glass of water and stood up.

"I'm going upstairs." You mutter as you walk over to the kitchen to put away the glass first. You knew you couldn't avoid Tae because he would stay over the night, but right now you just wanted to be alone for a minute or two, or give him the space he seemed to want.

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