{21} Jeon Jeongguk

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Don't let a stupid game get in the way of spending time with your loved ones guys! It's not worth it 💝

Don't let a stupid game get in the way of spending time with your loved ones guys! It's not worth it 💝

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You sighed.

Not because you had a bad day, or because something didn't work out the way you wanted, but because of your boyfriend, Jungkook. He always replied to your texts in at least twenty minutes, never left you on read either. But ever since he found out about this new game, he ignored your calls, didn't take you out anymore, and only replied with short texts a few hours after you texted him.

You played with the sweater paws of your sweater as you walked over to his apartment. Once you reached it you unlocked the door with the spare key he gave you, and when you stepped into the livingroom you could hear him yelling to his friends through his headset. You shimmied off your jacket and hung it over one of the chairs, before kicking off your shoes and walking to the stairs. The nearer you got, the louder and more frantic his talking got.

"Nonono! You guys don't know anything! You have to get to the chests first if you're planning to survive, the guns come later! I really need to do everything myself, jeez!"

You pushed the door to his room open and walked inside. Of course he didn't notice you. You watched him play for a few minutes before walking up to him and sitting down next to him. He looked at you for a mere second before directing his attention to the game again, not even surprised that you were there.

'He didn't even say hello..' You thought as you sighed again. You looked at the game, not understanding what was so special about it that made him forget about his very own girlfriend. You got bored quite fast and stood up to lay on his bed. You grabbed your phone and started to scroll through your socials. Eventually that became boring as well, and you decided to try to get Jungkook to pay attention to you. You did came here for him after all.

You walked up to him to sit next to him again and nudged his shoulder. "Kookie?"

He moved his shoulder a bit, but ignored you. You pouted and poked his arm a few times. "Jungkook."

He kept on ignoring you.

"No you dickhead, you need to go to the West! Everyone knows that, that's where the ultimate weapon is!" He sighed in frustration and let his fingers move over the controller as if he had never done anything else in his life.

You frowned and stood up, moving in front of the screen. "Jungkook!"

Finally he looked at you, but not with the face you expected to see. He looked at you with an angry glare.

"You're in front of the screen, I can't see anything!" He moved his head, trying to look past your legs.

"That's the point, you have to look at me." You crossed your arms stubbornly. He was silent for a few seconds, probably listening to his friends who were talking to him. "Yes I know that! I just have a little problem here."

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