{74} Kim Taehyung

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I'm really trying to get more imagines up.

Also, I'm working on a new book, called 'Little Paws', and the very first chapter is up! 🥰

On to the imagine.. ⬇️

"Say ah!"

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"Say ah!"

You giggle and part your lips, feeling a strawberry being placed into your mouth. You hum in content and chew on the delicious piece of fruit before you swallow, the fruity taste still lingering on your tongue.

"Is it good?" Taehyung asks as he moves his arm further over your collarbones.

You're laying on the couch with him, his back perched up against the side and you scooted down with your head resting on his stomach. It sounded somewhat awkward, but it was actually pretty comfortable.

You nod a few times and snuggle back into his chest. "Delicious."

A smile makes its way on his features as he moves another strawberry in front of you. You open your mouth, expecting him to feed you again.

He moves the fruit closer towards you, but on the moment you want to bite into it he quickly moves his hand away, placing it into his own mouth instead.

You furrow your eyebrows as you look up to him. "Meanie."

He laughs at your statement, his stomach pushing against the back of your head a little as he shifts a bit to lean further over you.

"Am I?"

You nod, causing a low chuckle to errupt from his throat. You pucker your lips in a pout as you let your eyes wander over his features.

"Don't pout like that." He states, this time his brows furrowing. You don't listen to him and pucker your lips out even more.

He sighs and leans forward, capturing your lips in his. Your eyes flutter shut as he smoothly moves his soft lips over yours, savoring the moment.

Even though it's a rather awkward kiss, your nose touching his chin as he leant over you, you couldn't be any happier.

When he pulled away he pecked your lips once more, before looking at you with a look that showed you you were his life, his everything. He brought a hand up to gently brush your bangs out of your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

It were times like this you loved in life. Just being comfortable in each other's embrace, having nothing to worry about.

"You are so beautiful." Taehyung suddenly says, bringing you back to reality. A blush creeps onto your cheeks as you advert your gaze from him, causing a chuckle to leave his lips.

It isn't when he pokes your cheek with his index finger that you look back up at him. A cheeky smile is evident on his face as he holds a strawberry in front of you again.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu