{53} Kim Seokjin

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"You're still getting payback for pushing me in the water like that!"  You say as you jog for a few steps to catch up with Jin, grabbing his hand in yours and swinging them between your bodies

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"You're still getting payback for pushing me in the water like that!" You say as you jog for a few steps to catch up with Jin, grabbing his hand in yours and swinging them between your bodies.

It was already pretty dark, and you've been scared of the dark ever since you were a little girl. Luckily when you were with Jin you weren't as scared, but it still scared you how you couldn't see anything at night.

Jin chuckles. "You kinda deserved it though."

"And why is that?"

"Do I really look that dense? I notice when you fake a laugh when I tell you one of my hilarious jokes." He says as he raises an eyebrow. You nervously chuckle, making Jin scoff. He moved his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "You're lucky I love you."

A smile played on your lips. "I know."

You continued walking until you reached your camping place. It was an open place in the forest, with just enough room for the small tent and a circle off logs around a campfire. Jin surprised you with the idea to go camping for a few days, and of course you just couldn't refuse.

Being alone with him in nature for a few days sounded more than perfect.

You walked towards the bags and grabbed two towels while Jin lit a small fire. When he was done you handed him a towel. You both quickly dried yourselves and changed into warm clothes before sitting down on one of the logs.

"This really was a good idea." You smiled as you cuddled up into his side, looking at the fire in front of you.

"Agreed." Jin replied as he moved his arm around your shoulder. You looked up to the sky, taking in the view.

The moon stood bright at the sky, the white glow contrasting against the darkness surrounding you, while the stars added to the beautiful setting.

"It's really beautiful." Jin said, making you hum in agreement. "Maybe the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen."

Jin adverted his eyes towards you. "Excuse me?"

You chuckled and smiled at him. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite thing to look at."

He scoffed and looked at the sky again, while you looked at the fire, which was dying out already. Guess you sat there longer than what it felt like. The air around you got colder, making you shiver a bit. Jin probably noticed, because the next thing he did was stand up.

"Let's go to sleep, mh?" He said as he offered you his hand. You nodded and placed your hand in his bigger one, letting him pull you up. You walked over to the tent, where he let you go inside first.

You quickly got under the covers of the self-made bed and made grabby hands towards him. He chuckled and finished zipping up the tent, before getting under the blankets next to you.

"You're really cold." He commented. You yawn as you nod. "I know."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You should've told me."

"But I wanted to look at the night sky." You pucker your lips in a small pout. Jin is quick to kiss your pout away. "Next time, tell me."

You hum and cuddle up into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around you, giving you more warmth than the blankets alone. You smile and see his adamsapple bob up and down as he swallows. You chuckle and peck his neck, feeling your eyes get heavier by the second.

"I love you, princess." You hear Jin say while closing your eyes.

"I love you too Jinnie." You softly reply back as you start to drift off to sleep, accompanied by the sounds of an owl somewhere in the distance.

Goodnight ❤❤

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