{91} Jung Hoseok

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So while we were gone someone broke into our home and made a mess. How was your Thursday?

I don't really know if I should upload this chapter here, or in the Wake Up Imagines, because it's in the morning. I decided on here since in the end they fall back asleep, hope that's okay.

 I decided on here since in the end they fall back asleep, hope that's okay

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You weren't planning on waking up so soon. Heck, the clock just passed the 8:00AM mark. you were far from ready to open your eyes and start the day. But somehow, your eyes still managed to flutter open.

You groaned as you rolled around a little, stretching your arms above your head and feeling the muscles in your spine pop.

You sighed and blinked in confusion. Something was off. You turned around and felt in front of you, your eyes not really working yet with all the sleepy sand in them.

The spot there was cold and empty, normally being warm and occupied. You pouted and forced your eyes to work properly.

Your boyfriend, who was supposed to be there, asleep and smiling, was now nowhere in sight. Your brows furrowed, forming a frown, and you decided to go look where he went.

Even though you didn't really want to leave the warmth of your comfortable bed, you still wanted to find out where your other half went. You stood up, stretched yourself out once more and shuffled out of the door.

The closer you got to the kitchen, the more it smelled like a fancy breakfast was being prepared. It sure fueled your hunger, and your stomach started grumbling.

When you turned around the corner you stopped in your tracks, taking in the view in front of you.

Your lovely boyfriend was standing there, in front of the stove. Instead of his usual sweats-and-no-shirt he always wore to bed, he was now dressed in a hoodie as well. It was slightly oversized, the half of his hands covered by the long sleeves.

You smiled and waddled down the few steps which led to the kitchen, stretched your arms out and wrapped them around his waist before snuggling your face into his back.

He jumped a little when he suddenly felt a pair of arms snake around his waist, but his face soon broke out into the broad smile you loved to see.

"Hi honey. How did you sleep?" He asked as he turned over the eggs he was making.

"Hmm, I slept fine." You muttered from behind him. He hummed and watched as the oil in the frying pan bubbled. "That's good."

You sighed and tightened your hold on him, just wanting to cuddle. He gladly let you, always one to appreciate your hugs. A content sigh left your lips. You could feel him breathing under your hands, his muscles contracting with the effort of holding the frying pan up as he scooped the eggs out, placing them neatly on two plates.

"Breakfast's ready." He said as he turned around to place them on the table. You groaned and scurried after him, keeping your arms around his waist. You weren't planning on removing your arms from him. Hoseok was always so nice to hug, he was just so huggable.

"Baby you gotta let me go." He chuckled. You shook your head and pressed your forehead against his spine. "You're nice 'n warm." You muttered. The response you got was another chuckle from Hoseok. He moved his hands on top of yours, tapping them a few times before gently removing them.

"We can cuddle after breakfast, 'kay? We can't skip out on breakfast!"

You pouted, but obeyed, sitting down on one of the chairs as Hoseok sat down in front of you. Both of you began eating, chatting away about silly things. Whenever the two of you were alone, you talked about inside jokes most of the time. The jokes consisted of something what happened earlier that day, or just anything that didn't even make any sense.

People always told you it was weird, but neither of you cared too much. Hoseok had always said that no matter what people told you, you should always do your own thing, something what made you happy. Even though he sometimes had the craziest ideas, you were happy. Without him you might not have the life you were living now.

You'd be forever thankful for him.

When you finished breakfast Hoseok took your plates, bringing them over to the sink and washing them down a little before placing them into the dishwasher to do the rest of cleaning for him. You brought a fist up to your eyes, lazily rubbing at them.

Hoseok smiled fondly at you. "Still tired?" He asked, causing you to nod. "You really aren't that much of a morning person, huh?" He chuckled as you shook your head. "I just like to lay in my warm comfy bed all morning long, it's a pain in the ass to wake up early to do stuff."

"Hmm." He hummed, watching as you rubbed your hand up and down along your arms. "Cold?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Just a little."

"Want to go back to bed?" He then asked you. You looked up at him, seeing him look down at you with a soft smile playing on his lips. "Don't you want to start the day?"

He smiled and shook his head. "I can skip my morning routine today." He said. "Besides, I want to cuddle with my girlfriend."

You smiled and stood up, taking his hand in your small one and walking him back to the bedroom, where you ducked into bed together. You immediately scooted closer into his warm embrace, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist this time.

You sighed in content, closing your eyes. You always loved to cuddle with this man. He always smelled so nice and his body was always nice and warm, perfect to cuddle up to and take a nap.

He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you baby." He said, pulling you close. You smiled as well, ready to fall back asleep. "Love you too."

As soon as the words left your mouth you let yourself relax, not putting any presure on your muscles anymore. You sighed, being relaxed and happy as you went back to sleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu