{77} Jung Hoseok

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School's FINALLY over!! I still have to go there for 2 weeks, but all the exams and classes are done! About damn time...

Anyway I got really soft and decided to make the end a fluffy one dedicated to ma fwend because she is softer for Hoseok than a soft fluffy poodle c:

Anyway I got really soft and decided to make the end a fluffy one dedicated to ma fwend because she is softer for Hoseok than a soft fluffy poodle c:

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The moment you said yes to five simple words, just one simple sentence, your life changed. But not in a bad way. No, not at all! Your life started to become more cheerful, more happier, more... Brighter.

When Hoseok asked you to officially be his girlfriend after going on a couple of dates, you immediatly said yes. Now, that day was nothing more than a happy memory, and you were together for three years already.

But lately, he started acting stange. Sure, he still was a sunshine, but something was off. Something was different about him. His eyes didn't seem to light up when he smiled, he bit the inside of his cheek more often than usual, he wasn't all about the cute little sound effects anymore, and he wouldn't cuddle with you anymore at night, saying he was 'too tired to do so'.

You knew he probably was just busy with his work, as this wasn't the first time that it happened, but some part of you told you there was something else going on. This morning you decided to talk to him about it when he got home, you wanted your sunshine back.

So when you heard someone opening the front door, you got up from your seat and walked towards him to greet him like you always did.

"Welcome back." You said, softly smiling. Hoseok didn't look at you, only sighed before walking towards the kitchen. You understood he was tired from practising their new dance, but not getting a warm response like usual still hurt. You really needed to talk to him.

You shrugged it off and walked after him, watching him grab a glass and fill it with water as you leaned your back on the wall opposite of him.

"We need to talk."

He meekily looked your way before looking straight ahead. "About what?" He asked before taking a few sips.

"You know about what. You've been acting cold towards me, and you're just not yourself."

"I'm not acting cold towards you, you're just making that up."

"I'm not making things up Hoseok! I notice how you don't want to cuddle anymore. I notice how you bite the inside of your cheek in annoyance and you don't smile as often anymore. Something's clearly wrong and you can't keep it a secret from me."

A heavy sigh left his lips as he places the glass down. "I'm just tired."

"I know you are." You say in a bit lowered voice, understanding where he was coming from. "But you don't have to be so distant if you're tired."

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