{18} Min Yoongi & Park Jimin

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"Okay okay, and then this one blue!" Jimin happily says while grabbing another pencil to color in the flowers

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"Okay okay, and then this one blue!" Jimin happily says while grabbing another pencil to color in the flowers.

"Ah they look so cute Jiminie!" You praise him which makes him grin. Suddenly the door opens.


You both quickly look up. Yoongi stands in the doorway with flowers in his hand. Jimin drops his pencil, his mouth hanging open as if remembering something.

"W-What?" You ask confused, but they pay no mind to you.

"You forgot didn't you?!" Yoongi pointed his finger at Jimin.

"Yoonie I'm sorry!" The younger squeaked out.

"You promised Jimin!"

"What? Boys what's wrong?" You frown. Finally they turn to you.

"Oh, it's easy." Yoongi's gaze softened when he looked at you. "It's just that this GOOFBALL here-" Glancing at the pouting boy beside you. "-Forgot to do something VERY important."

"And that is?"

"Yoonie I'm so sorry!" Jimin whines again.

"Yeah right, you promised Jimin!"

"Okay what? Tell me now" You give them both a confused look.

"W-Well I promised Yoonie to bring you to this place today... But I completely forgot."

"Which place?"

"This fancy place you said you loved." Yoongi said, sighing. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Ahw Yoongi~" You reach your hand to you heart.

"But thanks to Jimin here it's ruined." He slightly pouted.

"I already said I'm sorry!"

"Guys don't fight okay? We can go there tomorrow or something."

"We?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, can't leave prince out right? I mean look at him!"

Jimin made a cute face which made Yoongi smile. "Okay fine."

Jimin put both of his hands in the air in a cheering way and jumped up, before yawning.

"Tired Chim?"

He nodded and brushed his hair back. Yoongi took off his jacket and put the flowers away.

"Let's get to bed, mh?" He said as Jimin nodded again.

"I'll bring your coloring book upstairs" You smile at them and stand up too. Yoongi picked him up and you all walked upstairs. You quickly change and lay in bed.

"I'm still mad at you, you know."

"I told you I'm sorry a million times!"

"But still!" Yoongi said which made Jimin pout.

"Don't fight or we won't go tomorrow!" You scolded them.

"Nono we have to go! I prepared the surprise!"

"Then stop fighting." You pecked Yoongi's cheek.

"Yeah don't be mad at me, I just get too caught up in my coloring book sometimes you know that Yoonie."

"I know."

"So don't be mad at prince!"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes.

"Good. Now apologize to him." You say and raise your eyebrows.

"What?!" Yoongi's eyes slightly widen.

"You heard me. Chim apologize to Yoongs."

They both looked at you with a small pout.

"C'mon, don't make me wait."

They both looked away and muttered a "Sorry." in sync.

"Good boys~" You smiled and ruffled your hands through their hair. Jimin yawned again.

"Tired Chiminie?"

"You already asked me that Yoonie."

"Ah. Yeah." Yoongi chuckled. You both laid your head on Yoongi his shoulders. He kissed you both on the top of your head. "Goodnight my two lovely babies."

"We're not that small Yoongs." You smacked his chest lightly. He chuckled and hugged you closer. "Sorry~"

"Night Yoongi."


"Night Jiminie."


"Jimin?" You looked at him, already fast asleep. You chuckled and leant over to peck his forehead. "Nighty my prince." You whispered before laying back down and closing your eyes. Soon you drift off to sleep as well. Listening once again to their steady breathing and soothing heartbeat.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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