{4} Kim Taehyung

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"And then this one here!" Taehyung happily said as he put the last cushion in place to finish your castle. You had gathered all of the cushions, pillows and blankets you could find, and build a nice fort around the couch together. Taehyung wouldn't stop begging you to make a fort with him since he was sure the aliens would come and get him, and you just couldn't say no to him.

"They won't get me if I stay safely inside" He said and ducked away into the fort, a pillow tightly clutched against his chest. You cuckled and followed him.

"We actually have a lot more space then I thought we would have." You said and sat down beside him.

"Well of course." He put his chin high up in the air. "You have me, the best fort-builder in the universe."

You scoffed and hit his arm gently. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even know how to start."

"That's not true, I know how to make the best forts." He scrunched his nose, looking like an angry puppy.

"Yeah right. If you say it enough maybe it'll come true one day."

"Are you saying I'm lying?" He turned to look at you, his face containing a slightly offended look.

"No, of course not." You said and layed your head on his shoulder. "You'd never lie to me, right?"

He was silent for a moment.

"Tae? You'd never lie to me? Right?" You asked again, raising you head to look at him.

"That's something an alien would ask." He softly said and stared at you.

"What?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"That's something an alien would ask." He said it louder this time, widening his eyes.

"So you're saying I'm an alien?" You raised your eyebrows. He nodded.

"Tae I'm not an alien, stop saying nonsense." You chuckled and wanted to lay your head on his shoulder again, but he hit you with the pillow he was holding. You put you hand on your head where the pillow hit you. "What the- You're so getting payback for that!"

You grabbed the closest pillow in your reach and tried hitting him. He saw it coming and trew a pillow your way.

"Don't touch me, you're an alien! Don't hurt me!" He yelled and wanted to grab another pillow. When he did the whole fort collapsed on top of you both, making you squeak.

"Where are you? You better not run away!" You said while holding the blanket up that had fallen on top of you.

"No! I won't listen to you alien!" You felt a pillow hit your shoulder. You quickly tried to find the end of the blanket so you could escape from the little prison and finally hit the living daylights out of Taehyung.

When you saw light again you threw the blanket behind you and scanned the room. He was nowhere in sight, causing you to furrow your eyebrows. Finally you saw a strand of his silver hair peeking out from behind the couch.

"Where is that little human, I want to take him back to my planet." You smirked as you quietly walked over to him, grabbing a few pillows.

Of course he didn't respond, so you continued to talk. "What a shame. I guess I just have to- HAH!" You yelled as you jumped behind the couch, expecting to see Taehyung sitting there. But he wasn't. It was one of the silver cusions.

"What, where are you-" You didn't get to finish your sentence as someone hit the back of your head with a pillow, hard.

"Don't take me with you to your planet!" You turned around. Taehyung stood there, holding his pillow up in defense.

"We'll see about that." You grabbed one of your pillows and threw it to him. He dodged it, but he didn't saw the second one coming. His eyes widened as the pillow hit him right in his face. You ran towards him and continued to hit him. He stumbled backwards, until he tripped.

Taehyung fell backwards, grabbing your arm for support which made you fall down with him. He landed with his back on the pile of blankets, while you fell on top of him. It didn't hurt, so you didn't mind.

You felt two arms wrap around your waist. You looked up to him, putting your hands on his chest and resting your chin on top of your hands.

"I thought I was an alien?" You raised your eyebrows. He smiled. "If you were a real alien you would've got your alien-guns a while ago. Besides, you're too sweet to be an alien."

You hit his arm.

"It's true!" He continued. "This is actually really comfortable." He rested his head on the cushion behind him.

"I second that." You said as you rested your head on his chest. You loved laying on his chest, it was soft and warm, and comfortable. He sighed. "I'm tired."

You looked up to him again. "Then sleep."

"I can't sleep." He pouted.

"And why's that?"

He smiled his rectangle smile. "Because I didn't get my goodnight kiss."

"Well, you're not getting one." You huffed while resting your cheek against his chest again.

"What? Why?"

"Because you accused me for being an alien, and you hit me multiple times with a pillow on my head. That hurts, you know." You whined. He wrapped his arms around your body and hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry baby. I promise I won't do it again."

"That's what you said last time too." You scoffed.

"But this time I really really mean it, I promise! Can I get my goodnight kiss now? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He asked cutely, knowing you could resist his cuteness.

You looked up to him. "Promise?"

He nodded and puckered his lips. You smiled. "You're lucky you're cute."

You leaned down and catched his lips with yours. He hummed in approval and you smiled in the kiss. He slightly whined when you pulled back.

"That's all you get." You laid down on his chest for the third time.

"It's okay. I can get it whenever I want anyway." He grinned and went back to hugging you again. You yawned and closed your eyes.


You hummed in response.

"Then sleep, baby, I'll carry you to the bedroom later so you won't have to sleep here." He lovingly squeezed you. You snuggled into his chest. "But I'm comfy here." You mumbled. You felt him chuckle. "I second that." He mimicked your voice. You softly hit his chest.

"Sorry, you're just too cute." He placed a kiss on the top of your head. "Goodnight baby. I love you."

You smiled and drifted away, hoping to dream about something nice, and not about the mess you had to clean the next morning. With that thought you went to sleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu