{10} Jung Hoseok

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"Do you want popcorn or chips?" Hoseok asks as you walk over to the snacks

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"Do you want popcorn or chips?" Hoseok asks as you walk over to the snacks. Hoseok thought it would be a good idea to go on a date, since he had spent most of the past month working and had little to no time for you.

"Mmm popcorn." You answer after thinking about it.

"Are you sure you won't be scared?" He asks and orders a large bucket of popcorn.

"I don't know, but I don't think so. I think you get scared more easier."

His head snaps towards you. "What? No way I'm not scared easy!"

"Then what about that time when Yoongi and Ji-"

"We talked about that, that wasn't my fault!" He cuts you off.

"But it still happened." You laugh.

"You're mean." He pouts.

"But you still love me." You smile as you both walk over to the right room. He puffs out his cheeks as you find your seats. After you get comfy on the red seat you grab a handfull of popcorn.

"Waiting takes so loongg." He whines.

"We litteraly just sat down!"

"'It still takes too long."

"Just a minute." You chuckle at him.

Finally the movie starts.

"You have my shoulder when it gets scary, okay?" He pats your head with a sweet smile. You roll your eyes with a smile and focus on the big screen. The movie starts really normal. Just a big happy family living in the woods, a lake with a hill nearby, and the neighbours are a few miles away so there's peace.

What could possible go wrong, right? A few moments later a deer appears on the screen.

"Mommy look! A deer! He's so cute!" The little girl yells. Suddenly the deer looks at them. The girl's eyes widen. The mom cursed and pulls the girl back. The deer has a nasty second head growing on his cheek, and it's left eye glows green.

(Imagine it's scary, idk I'm not good at writing horror movies :'))

"I'll never look at deers the same." Hoseok whispers beside you. Later on in the movie the family sits in the basement.

"Mommy where's daddy?" The little girl asks.

"He's... He went to check on your grandma, okay sweetie?" The woman says with tears in her eyes. The dad never went to them. The creatures got to him a few minutes ago.

"But why didn't he say goodbye?"

The woman tries her best to keep her tears. The little girl shrugs and stands up, walking towards the high window. She climbs up a few boxes to look outside. The woman is too lost in her thoughts to notice anything. Outside it's dark. The moon leaves a scary glow, and creatures walk in the distance. The little girl stares at one of them.

Suddenly it turns his head, looking directly at her. Her eyes widen as the creature turns his head and slowly approaches the window. It's head twitches and it increases it's speed. When it's at the window it stops. The little girl and the creature lock eyes for a few seconds, before the creature breaks the window and grabs her arm. She yells and finally the mother looks up. The creature pulls the little girl outside the window but before he gets her completely the woman grabs her leg. They have a little fight, and after a minute the woman loses. The only thing left in her hands is a small yellow shoe.

The screen only shows the woman as she looks outside the window, horror plastered all over her face. The screams of a little girl ring through the theater, and then the screen turns black and the lights turn back on. You blink at the screen, frozen.

"I hate deers from now on."

You turn your head towards Hoseok. His eyes are wide open as he still looks at the screen.

"You scared?"

Finally he looks at you. "What? Me? ....No."

You scoff. "Yeah right. Let's go home, I'm tired."

He nods and stands up. You get your jackets from the woman at the entrance and walk to the car, Hoseok walking really close to you. Of course he's not scared, you really believed that. Finally you reach the appartment.

"Got the key yet?" Hoseok asks as you fidget to find the right key.


"Hurry~" He begins to tap your shoulder.

"I thought you weren't scared?"

The tapping immediately stops and his hand falls back to his side. "I'm not."

You roll your eyes as the door finally opens. "Ah finally." You flick the light on.

"I'm tired." Hoseok yawns.

"Same here, I'll just take a quick showe-"

"NO!" He cuts you off. You turn to face him, furrowing your eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Because.. I don't want you to leave me. Not because I'm scared! Of course not! I just.. Want a hug." He says as he plays with the sleeves of his shirt, refusing to look at you.

You smile and bring your hand to his soft hair. "My scared sunshine wants a hug~"

"I'm not scared!"

"Yeah right." You chuckle and turn around to walk to the bedroom.

"I'm really not scared." Hoseok mutters as he walks behind you. You smile at yourself. You both quickly change and get into bed. Hoseok immediatly wraps his arms around your waist.

"I'm still behind the fact that you're scared though."

"I'm not scared, stop saying that." He pouts.

"Fine, I'll stop saying it." You nuzzle your face in his chest.

"And also not think about it."

You chuckle.

"Don't laugh at meee it's not funny." He puffs his cheeks out.

"I'm not laughing at you Hobie."

"Yeah right."

"I'm really not!" You look up to him.

"Mhm." He hums and pushes your head back into his chest.

"I'm really not." You say softly, voice muffled by his shirt. You feel him chuckle.

"You said you're tired, so sleep. Don't want my baby to be tired tomorrow."

You nod and yawn. "You need to sleep too"

"I will, but you sleep first."

You smile. "You need to sleep tooo."

"I wiiill, now sleepp."

"Finee." You close your eyes. "I love you Hobie."

"I love you too." He places a soft kiss on the top of your head. "Goodnight, babygirl." He whispers as you drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight my obviously not scared babyboy." You softly say. The last thing you hear, is a gasp of faux pain from Hoseok before you fall asleep, a smile evident on your lips.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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