{93} Kim Namjoon

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So my iPad is kinda really dead so this chapter took me forever to upload :")
How've you guys been? 💞

Joon's honey skin in this gif is so beautiful 🥺

Joon's honey skin in this gif is so beautiful 🥺

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"Hurry up! You're gonna be late to watch them!"

"Yeah yeah! I'm almost ready!"

You groaned and clapped in your hands.  "Kim Namjoon! Get your butt down here so we can go!"

"Hey!"  He yelled from upstairs.  "At least I have a butt!"

Your mouth fell open. You knew he could have those sassy remarks, but this... You never expected that to come from him. You smirked.  "That's not what you said last ni-"

"I'm here, I'm here!"  He cut you off as he rushed down the stairs, almost tripping.  "No need to get into detail!"  He said as he flicked your forehead. You chuckled as you rubbed the spot he hit with your index finger.  "Well now you're down here let's go!"

"Why you're so excited about this anyway?"  He asked as he grabbed his keys off the counter. You smiled brightly.  "It's tradition! Every year we go out to watch them, it's something my dad used to do with me."  Your smile faded as you thought about it.  "And now he isn't here anymore I want to do this with you."

Namjoon softly smiled.  "That's adorable. I'm happy you want to do it with me, out of all people."

Your smile returned at his words. Today wasn't a day to get all sad about it all over again, and you didn't want to ruin the day.

"Well let's go then!"

"Do you have everything?"  Namjoon asked as he grabbed the keys for his bike. You nodded and skipped to the door, a basket in your hands.  "All ready and set!"

You both made your way to his bike and soon you were on your way. You held onto Namjoon with one hand, and with the other you made sure the basket didn't fall off your lap. The brisk evening air wasn't that cold, but it was enough to send a rush of shivers down your spine. You didn't mind it that much though, nothing else really mattered when you were with Namjoon.

You watched the world pass by as he rode the bike, heading towards the place you two gave the name of Mountain Ace. It was a rather small place, but it had just enough space for a few people, and the view you had over the city below the mountain made climbing all the way up there more than worth it.

Finally you reached the spot you'd leave the bike in, and you swiftly jumped off the bike, Namjoon jumping off as well and parking the bike against the wooden pillar of the fences surrounding the place.

"Ready for the climb?"  He asked, straightening his back. You nodded and smiled at him.  "I've waited all year to do this with you, of course I'm ready!"  You said and scurried over to the natural stairs leading up the mountain.

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