{81} Kim Seokjin

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I got this idea from a post on Instagram, I think it's such a cute concept 🥺

I got this idea from a post on Instagram, I think it's such a cute concept 🥺

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You groaned as you heard the doorbell ring, meaning you'd have to get up from your comfortable spot on the couch. You hesitated to just yell 'The door's open!' but shook the thought away, deciding against it as you knew letting a stranger into your house wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do.

You stood up and walked to the dront door, revealing a young postman after you opened it.

"Hello miss," The blonde boy greeted. "I had to deliver these to you." He said as he held a vase with flowers in it. You blinked a few times, not expecting flowers from anyone, but you smiled anyway. "Oh... Thank you." You thanked the boy, who smiled and lightly bowed in return, walking back to the mail-truck with a small wave.

While closing the door you took a look at the flowers, admiring their beauty. They were all a beautiful shade of pink, mixed with red and a faint shade of yellow in the middle. After counting them - coming to a solid ten - you walked back to the living room, setting the vase down on the small table in front of the couch.

Just when you wanted to sit down, you phone made a familiar notification sound. You immediately knew who it was, as you had personalised notification sounds for everyone, a habit of yours since you were a kid. You walked to the kitchen where your beloved phone was charging after a night binge-watching Netflix and turned it on, a smile appearing on your features.

I'll stop loving you, when all the flowers die 😘

The smile playing on your lips made place for a frown. What did he mean by that? Why would he stop loving you after the flowers died? Was the bouquet from Jin? You tilted your head in confusion and decided to text him back. You needed to know what he meant by this.

What? What do you mean?

Not long after you send the text you recieved one back, Jin never really one to let you hanging on read or replying hours after you sent a text.

I love you 😉

You rolled your eyes and sighed, as it didn't look like he'd be telling the reason for this anytime soon. You left your phone on the counter to continue charging and walked to the couch to go back watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.


After a few weeks most of the flowers lost their leaves, petals scattered next to the vase decorating the dresser and the once bright colors were replaced by a sombered dull color. All the while you thought they still looked just as beautiful as when you got them, the reason behind it making it even more captivating.

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