{89} Kim Seokjin & Jeon Jungkook

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Yes I made him say noona. Whatchu gonna do about it.

!! Includes being drunk but it's not in a bad way so idk if I should put this as a warning or not but here you go !!

!! Includes being drunk but it's not in a bad way so idk if I should put this as a warning or not but here you go !!

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"So... Any other ideas?"  Jin asked. You were currently deciding what you would do for your day off, but so far no one had came up with a good idea.

"I know something!"  Jungkook excitedly said.

"We're not playing Overwatch for four hours straight."  Jin raised his finger, which made Jungkook pout and cross his arms while looking away. You softly chuckled at them.

"Oh maybe we could-"  Jin started, but Jungkook cut him off.  "I don't wanna go to a house with only mirrors to look at myself."  He said, making you chuckle again which caused them both to look at you.

"Apparently it's all funny to you, like you know something better."  Jin scoffed. You smirked proudly and nodded.  "As a matter of fact, I do."  You sat up straighter and cupped your face, placing your elbows on your knees.  "We could go to that new karaoke bar."

They blinked a few times at you before looking at each other.  Jin nodded.  "Yeah, we could do that."

"I'm in."  Jungkook agreed. You smiled in your victory as you stand up and walk to the car. Jin drives as Jungkook and you talk about what kind of songs you want to do.

"I want to do Lost Stars."  He says, a smile on his features.

"I love that song!"  You smile.  "I bet you'll make it sound so sad and put all your emotion in it and make me cry."  You fake pout, already picturing the scene in your head. Jungkook sighs and looks up to nothing in particular.  "That, I will do."

You continue chatting until Jin finally parks the car in front of a big building. It wasn't all that fancy, but it was just the right amount of intriguing to attract customers. When you walk inside you're immediately hit with the sound of music blasting through the speakers, the people around you sitting at some of the tables, dancing a little or standing at the bar to talk to each other while drinking.

"It looks really nice inside." Jin commented, Jungkook and you nodded in agreement.

It appeared really big from the inside, the perfect use of lightning making it look more expensive than it could be. Big lamps hung from the ceiling, total contrasting to the small neon lights on the walls. Posters covered the wall, most of them for the bar itself but a few of them also for decoration.

"I'm going to get us a room." Jin said, before walking off and leaving you with jungkook. Said man grabbed your hand and randomly started dancing with you.

"What are you doing?"  You laughed, getting a cheeky smile from him in return.  "We have to wait for Jin anyway, might as well dance a little."

You shook your head, but didn't stop him. After all, dancing with Kookie was lowkey the best thing you had ever done in your life., even if it came out of the blue and you were in public.

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