{32} Park Jimin

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Kind of requested by a friend of mine

Kind of requested by a friend of mine

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You were confused. Lately your boyfriend Jimin had been acting really weird. Normally when he got home from practice he would hug and kiss you, but since a few weeks he didn't do that anymore. Now he would just briefly peck your cheek while muttering a quick; "Hello."

You knew it could just be because of their new album that was on the way, but you couldn't help but feel bad about it. He didn't even text a good morning if he already left for work when you woke up like he always did. You had the simple thought to just talk to him about it for a couple of days now, and today you were finally going to do so. That's the reason you stood up from your position on the couch when you heard the door handle twist.

Jimin walked in, clearly tired from practice, and shot you a quick smile, which was nothing compared to the happy bubble he used to be when he got home. You crossed your arms in front of your belly, hugging yourself as you walked up to him.

"Hey." He said, lightly sighing. You furrowed your eyebrows at that. 'Way harsh Jimin..' You thought as you looked at him. "I need to talk to you."

He looked confused at you and tilted his head a little, putting his bag down on the floor. "About what?"

You looked away from him, not able to look at the angel in front of you while you were preparing yourself for what possibly could turn out into an argument. You hated arguing with him.

"Well... You- You've been acting strange lately, and... I'm starting to think that it's my fault."

He blinked a few times, before he casted his gaze downwards and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's not your fault baby, please don't think that." He said, his voice having a sad tone.

"Then, why are you acting this way? You never been so... So distant before, it's confusing me." You looked up at him, seeing him already looking at you.

"I just- I don't know, I'm just dealing with something, you don't have to worry about it." He said in a soft voice and quickly looked away again, grabbing his bag and starting to walk up the stairs. You looked after him, not in the slightest bit comforted.

Once he was out of eyesight, you let out a deep sigh. Why did he act like this? What did you do that made him like this? You heard the shower started to run, so you walked to the bedroom to change into a loose shirt and some shorts, before laying on your back on the bed. After a few minutes the water stopped running, and soon Jimin walked out, wearing only his sweatpants and his hair still wet.

"How was your day?" He asked. You sat up against the headboard of the bed and looked at him. "Nothing special, cleaned the house a little and spoke to some friends."

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