{35} Park Jimin ~ Collab!

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Hello everyoneee! This imagine is a collab with busan_exe 💜 I really loved working on it together with her, and I hope we can do something similar in the future!
It starts with her part, and the '~~~~' tell you the other is writing from there, hope that that's not all too confusing :").

Hello everyoneee! This imagine is a collab with busan_exe 💜 I really loved working on it together with her, and I hope we can do something similar in the future!It starts with her part, and the '~~~~' tell you the other is writing from there, hop...

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'Shit! I'm going to be late!' You thought. Jimin, your best friend would pick you up in.. to be exact 2 minutes.

You quickly brushed your teeth. Rushing back to your room to change into something cool. When you wanted to put on your pants you heard a knock on your door.

"Heyy, your mom said you were in your room. Can I come in?" Jimin asked. 'Is he here already?!' You slightly panicked. It would be pretty embarrassing if Jimin saw you like this. You didn't even brush your hair yet!

"I-I'm changing! Don't come in!" You loudly said. Making sure he wouldn't come in.

When you brushed your hair, changed and made yourself look pretty enough to show yourself you opened the door.

"Hello, beautiful." Jimin greeted. You slightly blushed at his words. He was a real sweetheart.


"Ready to go?" He asked after he checked your outfit. He always seemed to be interested in what you had on, but you never really knew why. Not that you had the guts to ask him about it in the first place.

You nodded and smiled up at him. "Let me just grab my phone real quick!"

You ran back into your room to fetch your phone from the charger, before slipping it into the back pocket of your pants and rushing back to Jimin, who was patiently waiting for you. He smiled, and you both quickly walked downstairs to finally get on your way to what was going to be the best day of the year.


"Waahh, it's so big!" You said as you looked at all the rides behind the large fence. Jimin smiled. "I knew you'd like it."

"Like it? I love this! You really outdid yourself compared to last year, Chim."

Since the day you were best friends you had one day in the year where it would be just the two of you, to celebrate your friendship. Last year it was a picnic, the year before that you went to the movies, and this year Jimin choose a theme park.

Every year Jimin insisted on preparing the day, "To make sure it'll be perfect," he had always said. You never complained, this trip had always been the most amazing day of the year for the both of you.

Jimin quickly paid for the both of you while you were excitedly looking at all the rides. You knew you'd probably feel dizzy after most of them, but that couldn't stop you from still wanting to try them all.

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