{36} Kim Namjoon

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Hello everyone! This Imagine is a pretty long and emotional one. This was on the 3th of March when Taegi_Exe went home again. 😭 This is based on my experience, except the part of coming home, that went completely different. I hope I didn't explain everything way too poetical :')

 I hope I didn't explain everything way too poetical :')

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"I don't want you to go home." You pouted as you friend, Jihun, was packing her stuff. She had stayed over for a weekend, but today she had to leave again.

"I don't wanna go home either." She sighed as she stuffed a blue hoodie you gave her in her suitcase.

You rolled over on your back, staring at the ceiling. This weekend had been so much fun, every minute spend with her was fun. You hated the fact that you lived so far away from each other, why couldn't you just move closer?

"Girls, it's time to go!" You heard Namjoon's voice yell from downstairs. The both of you sighed and got up. You, being the protective friend you are, carried her suitcase down the stairs for her.

"Ready?" Namjoon asked as you stepped into the car. You shook your head. "I'm never really ready to say goodbye again."

He nodded. He understood how much Jihun meant to you, and how hard goodbyes were for the both of you. You had been best friends, more like sisters for three years now, and you almost never saw each other in person.

The whole ride to the train station from where she would go home was awfully silent, the only sounds being from the car and your phone, who was playing songs from your playlist. You stared out of the window the whole time, not knowing what to do, or say.

Your mind yelled at you to hug your friend beside you, but you couldn't manage to do so, knowing the goodbye would be harder if you did. So you just held your hand up for her to intertwine your fingers together.

You wanted to cry. To cling onto her, begging her to stay with you. But you knew you couldn't. You both had school the next morning, and your lives would just continue. The only thing you could do was stare out of the window, biting the inside of your cheek while feeling her fingers on yours.

Namjoon just drove in silence, occasionally saying something like "What does it rain a lot," trying to cheer the mood up a little.

When you saw the familiar buildings of the station you almost began to cry, but no tears came out. You never cried, and if you did it would only be a few drops. Your mother always told you it was because you were a strong person. But maybe, on this moment, you didn't want to be strong.

Namjoon pulled over, shutting the car down and sighing heavily.

"Do you want to stay here or do you want to go inside?" He asked. It was raining pretty hard.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu