{5} Kim Namjoon

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"Are we there yet? My feet hurt

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"Are we there yet? My feet hurt." You whine.

You and your boyfriend Namjoon are on your way to the beach. He thought it would be a good idea to relieve some stress and to spend some time together. Unfortunately, you didn't thought you would go through the forest, so you hadnt pit any shoes on. The little branches hurt your bare feet, the bag on your back started to get heavy even though there wasn't a lot in it, and the longer you walked the more it hurt.

"Almost baby, don't worry. You'll forget the pain when you see the view!" Namjoon excitedly says.

You wince as a branch breaks under your foot, and you struggle to stay balanced. You never were good at balancing things. Or yourself, for that matter.

"I hope you're right."

"I always am." He chuckles and reaches his hand out to you. You gladly let him take your smaller hand in his, and with his help you soon reach the beach. Luckily without breaking your foot on a sharp branch or something.

"Told you the view would be worth it." He smiles, showing off his cute dimples. You look up to the sky, and your eyes widen.

The stars shine bright, and the moon leaves a magical aura around the whole place. The rocks close by the water look beautiful in the moonlight, and the reflection on the water is simply one of the most beautiful things you ever saw. You take it all in, as your boyfriend smiles and pulls you closer to him by putting his arm around your shoulders.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

You nod. "It's so beautiful."

"You know what's more beautiful?" He looks at you with a smirk. You pull out of his grasp and walk towards the water. "I don't want to hear those cheesy things, thank you."

He chuckles and follows you. "It's true though, nothing can compare to you."

You scoff and sit down on a spot you just decided was the best to sit on. You drop the bag on the sand next to you and lay down on your back, placing your arms behind your head as you admire the stars above you. You close your eyes, just enjoying the peace. Soon you feel something warm land on top of you.

"You'll get cold."

You open your eyes and see the pink hoodie Namjoon had thrown on top of you. You smile and sit up, pulling the hoodie over your head. You pull your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. He was right, it was pretty chilly. When was he ever wrong though, you knew nobody who was smarter than him.

You sit a few minutes in silence, just enjoying each other's company and the peace. Suddenly he sighs and stand up. You look up to him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Going for a swim." He pulls his shirt over his head. "Coming with me?"

You shake your head. "It's cold."

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