{30} Min Yoongi

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Happy Valentine's Day everyoneee! Hope you got to spend it with your loved oness! Or food. Food's good too 🤧
For me it was with a few friends from school, but sadly I'm still single. Meh could've seen it coming 😂 Anyways, enjoyy.

(WARNING: This includes mention of slight anxiety and more of a food disorder!!)

(WARNING: This includes mention of slight anxiety and more of a food disorder!!)

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"Table for two, please." Yoongi smiled at the lady behind the counter.

Yoongi and the other members had practiced a lot lately for their new comeback, and Yoongi, being the lovely boyfriend his is, wanted to take you to a restaurant for Valentine's Day so he took a whole week off especially for this evening.

"Of course, follow me." She smiled back and showed the way to a small but cute booth in the corner of the place, next to a window which had the view of the small pond from the little park next to the building. Yoongi nodded politely before she walked off, and pulled the chair back for you to sit on. You smiled sweetly at him and sat down so he could sit too. You looked down at your nails for a few seconds before looking up, seeing Yoongi already looking at you.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Am I not allowed to look at my beautiful date?"

"T-That's not what I was saying." You say and advert your gaze, a little flustered by his blunt statement. He chuckles and mutters a soft "Cute." before a waitress comes up next to the table.

"Good evening, what can I do for you?" She smiles warmly. You want to answer, but your anxiety stops you from doing so. You hated the fact that you always needed someone by your side who did this kind of things for you. Yoongi quickly noticed you're not saying anything and orders something for you.

When the waitress nodded and walked off you smiled at him and looked down at your hands again. "Thank you."

"Anytime, you know I love to do things for you." He reaches over the table and grabs your hands in his bigger ones, gently giving a few squeezes.

"I just... Wish I could do those things myself sometimes. I don't want to rely too much on you, or anyone for that matter."

"Baby, I really don't mind doing these little things for you. If it makes you feel better if I do something like that for you, I'll gladly do it." He smiles at you. "I really don't mind."

"Thank you Yoongi." You smile back at him, just when the waitress comes back with the food. She puts it down in front of you and walks off with a polite; "Enjoy your meal."

"So?" Yoongi asks as he takes a bite of his food. You furrowed your eyebrows while you're fidgeting with your chopsticks. "So what?"

"So, what did you do all the time I wasn't home?"

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