{87} Kim Namjoon & Jung Hoseok

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Yes, I'm aware of the fact this is rushed and messy and not making any sense at all.
And no, I'm not saying or implying in ANY WAY that Joon is a bad dancer, he's better than any of us will ever be 😔👏🏻 I just had to include a little of his clumsiness.

The first chapter of my new book 'BTS Soft Wake Up Imagines' is up! The idea with the most votes turned out to be really fun to write c: Thanks to everyone who voted, and feel free to give me any advice on the imagine if there's missing something 💗

The first chapter of my new book 'BTS Soft Wake Up Imagines' is up! The idea with the most votes turned out to be really fun to write c: Thanks to everyone who voted, and feel free to give me any advice on the imagine if there's missing something 💗

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"So as I was saying I really think that a minor F sounds way better than a regular F, it just has more feeling to it."

"No, I think you're wrong. Clearly a regular F sounds better."

Namjoon sighs deeply besides you. "Why are you both so stubborn?"

"Ask him that. He just won't agree with me." You pout as Hoseok kicks a pebble away. "Because you're wrong." He huffs.

"Can you both just cut it out? We all know C sounds the best-"

"What?!" Both you and Hoseok snapped your heads to Namjoon, and in that moment he knew, he fucked up.

You continue walking down the streets, rambling on about how the C clearly wasn't any better that the F, and why the Minor F was even better than the regular one. Soon you all settled on the note B as the best one, and you just enjoyed each others company, occasionally shoulderbumping and cooing at a cute cat walking by.

After a while you suddenly stop walking, Namjoon being pulled back by your entertwined hands. Hoseok stops in his tracks too, both the boys looking at you confused.

"Do you guys hear that?"

Hoseok furrows his eyebrows. "Do we hear what?"

You release Namjoon's hand to frantically move them around, trying to bet him to understand you. "That!"

"What?" Namjoon asks, looking over at Hoseok who just shurgs. You groan in frustration. "The music! You really don't hear that?"

"Ah.." He exclaims. "Yeah I hear that, it's been going on for a while now."

You lightly hit his arm. "And you didn't tell me?"

Hoseok chuckles. "We could go look there if you want?" He asks. You smile, your eyes lightning up as you nod.

The three of you walk over to where the music was coning from. A small crowd standing in a circle consisting of people all looking to the middle came into sight.

"What are they doing?" Namjoon asked.

"Dance competition." Hoseok answered, a smile on his features. Hoseok always loved dancing. Even with his busy job as a lawyer he always found some time to dance. It calmed him, made him happy and he was quite good at it, too.

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