{15} Jung Hoseok

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"And one two three for five six, and wait

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"And one two three for five six, and wait.... aaand seven.."

You watch as the dance teacher and choreographer, Jinae, is busy teaching a new dance to your lovely boyfriend, Hoseok. They had been dancing for a while now, and he's getting better and better after every routine, while you're on the side getting more tired and tired the longer you watch them. Sure, you loved to watch them, could do so for hours. But it did take a toll on your body eventually. Finally the music stopped.

"You did it better than me this time!" Jinae praised him. "I'm supposed to teach you, not the other way around." She pouted and smacked his arm in a playful way.

"He's just that talented." You smile. Hoseok laughed and rubbed his arm a bit. "I can't help it, sorry."

"Are you apologizing? Don't. The fans will love this dance too. You're amazing dancer, you have to be proud, not sorry." Jinae says as she threw him a water bottle. He swiftly caught it and walked over to you.

"Done?" You ask. He nods and takes a few sips of the water. "Can we finally go home then?" You sigh.

"You tired?" He asks and ruffles you hair. You nod, which makes him relieve a little gasp. "You should've said something, I would've stopped and brought you home!" He crouches by your side. You shake your head. "No I don't want you to stop doing what you love just because I'm tired."

"You worked hard, as usual. You can rest now, and take a few days off. See ya Friday at eight, don't be late." Jinae smiles and walks out of the practice room, closing the door behind her.

After yelling a goodbye after her Hoseok continues. "Still. We've been dancing for a few hours already, I would've stopped if you told me." Hoseok stands up and offers you his hand, which you gladly take. He pulls you up and hugs you briefly before letting go and putting on his jacket.

"You dance really well, I'm sure everyone will love it." You say as you swing your bag over your shoulder. "I surely do." You smile at him. Hoseok takes the bag from your shoulder and swings it over his own before taking your hand in his.

"Thank you, I really hope they will." He smiles again and starts walking towards the door Jinae dissapeared through, gently pulling you along.

"So what are you going to do the next few days?" You ask him as you buckle up in the car. He shrugs. "I don't know, maybe I'll work a bit on a song, or I'll help Namjoon with his solo.."

You start to pout a little at his words. Hoseok quickly glances at you before focusing on the road again. "Why are you pouting? Something's bothering you?"

"Well.. Jinae just happened to give you a few days off at the same time I'm free from work too, so~" You slowly say as you start to draw little figures in the condense that had formed on the window due to the cold winter air.

Hoseok chuckles. "I wasn't finished with my list yet. I was also going to name some things we could do together. Of course I want to spend time with my little angel when I get days off!"

You giggle a little as Hoseok pulls up in front of your apartment. He grabs your bag and walks you to the front door. You unlock it and look up at him. He smiles, hands you the bag and pecks your forehead. "Get some rest, I'll be here bright and early tomorrow to pick you up for breakfast. I saw a little bakery yesterda-"

You quickly peck his lips to stop him from saying anything else. "You know I can't wake up early, sleep is amazing. Can't you stay over?" You pout.

He sighs. "Again the pouting, you know I can't say no to you when you're making that face." He cups his hands over your cheeks and squeezes them together. "I get the left side of the bed!" He squeaks and quickly runs through the door.

"You got it last time! I have rights on the left side!" You yell and run after him. You see his shoes spread over the floor leading to the stairs, indicating he just kicked them off without looking twice before running upstairs.

You sigh and take a deep breath. "Jung Hoseok you better be on the right side of the bed when I come up or you can go back to the dorms to sleep!" You yell as you slowly walk up the stairs. When you walk in your room Hoseok sits on the very left end of the bed, of course, and just pulls a new shirt over his head.

"Didn't you hear me? Get to the other side or you can sleep at the dorms tonight" You say as you walk to the closet to get shorts and a shirt.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." He cutely waves and stands up, heading for the door of your room.

"Wait what? Nonono stay!" You run over to him and pull his arm. He grins. "So I get the left side?"

"Ugh, fine." You sigh as you let go of his arm and quickly change into your more comfortable clothes. As soon as you close your closet you feel Hoseok wrap his arms around your waist. He picks you up and spins you around a couple times, making you squeal, before he lets himself fall on his back on the bed.

You giggle and turn around on his chest so you could see his face. "Why did you do that?"

He shrugs and smiles. "Just felt like doing that."

You rest your forehead on his chest and yawn. He takes that as a sign and stands up with you in his arms, moves the blankets aside and gently laying you down. He skips over to the other side and gets in beside you. He then pulls you so you're laying on top of his chest. You smile and grab his shirt in your fist to snuggle up against him. When you do you feel him wrap his arms around you and hug you closer.

"Nobody gets the left side tonight." He chuckled.

"Deal" You lazily say before yawning again.

"I'll wake you up tomorrow."

You nod and take a deep breath before relaxing against his chest.

"Love you." He kisses the top of your head.

"I love you too, my dancing sunshine." You kiss his chest. He hugs you a bit tighter as you slowly but surely fall asleep on his chest.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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