{60} Jung Hoseok

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"Wait for me- Hoseok stop!"

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"Wait for me- Hoseok stop!"

Desperately you try to reach out for the male in front of you. You yell at him, plead him, to stop running.

But he doesn't.

His muscular legs run way faster than yours, and he refuses to look back, pretending not to hear your cries.

"Hoseok please!!" You scream as fresh tears make their way down your flushed cheeks.

Your legs start to burn from the constant running, and you soon make contact with the concrete floor beneath your feet as you collapse to the ground.

Tears roll sideways over your face as you curl yourself up in a little ball on the floor. The cold solid floor beneath you.

He left you.

The man from who you thought would never leave... Left. Out of all people who could've left you, it had to be him.


Why was the world being so cruel towards you? What did you do to deserve all of this? What crime could you possible have done in your past life for the world to hate you like this?

Your sobs grow louder as you ball your hands to fists, keeping them close to you for as much warmth as possible.

After a few minutes of laying there you hear a voice. And not just any voice. It's the voice of Hoseok.

"I wish you were more like Mirae. At least she wasn't so clingy. Everyday I come back home, tired after practice, and all you want are cuddles. You never see how tired and worn out I am." He says in a cold voice.

Your heart stops at his words. Everyday you thought he wanted someone to come home to, to cuddle and relax with after their practices. You never thought he'd compare you to his ex-girlfriend.

"Mirae would always just give me some space, make some soup for me and afterwards just let me sleep. You want to cuddle directly after I come home, not giving me any space at all."

Your heart breaks into a million pieces, every piece containing a little bit of the pain you felt with every syllable he spoke.

"Sometimes I regret dating you."

You cried your heart out as you cover your ears with your hands, trying to block out his voice. Did he really think about you that way?

Faintly, you hear Hoseok's voice begin to call your name. It echoes through your mind and gives you a major headache. Multiple of his voices start to harmonize in chanting your name, overlaying each other.

You clutch your hands over your ears, trying to block out the voices. But it's no use. The voices still ring through your head like a whirlwind.

Suddenly your eyes snap open and you quickly sit up, panting quickly.

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