{48} Min Yoongi

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You sat on the couch in the corner of the room, looking at Yoongi's back while he was working on his music

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You sat on the couch in the corner of the room, looking at Yoongi's back while he was working on his music. Since you had nothing better to do you decided to come with him to the studio today.

He had been sitting on his chair for a few hours straight now, and you could tell he was tired from the way he kept leaning his head on his hands. You stood up from the couch and walked up behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders, softly massaging them.

"What about a break, mh?"  You softly said.

"I still need to finish this, I want it to be perfect."  He replied.

"And it will be. But it won't be good if you work on it without taking a break. You shouldn't overwork yourself."

Yoongi sighed and leant back in his chair.  "I just don't want to disappoint ARMY's."

"I'm sure ARMY thinks about it just the same as I do, don't you think?"  You said and brought your hand up to run your fingers through his chestnut colored hair. He hummed and leant back more, his head resting against your stomach as his hands left the keyboard.

"So, a little break?"  You asked. Yoongi nodded, his hair tickling your stomach through your thin shirt, before he turned his chair to stand up.

He looked even more tired from the front. He had bags under your eyes, his bangs stuck to every direction, probably because of your fingers running through them, and his eyes were unfocused and he could barely keep them open.

You furrowed your eyebrows.  "Do you even know how bad you look right now?"

"Wow. Thank you. Didn't hurt at all."  He said and rolled his eyes.

"You know I didn't mean it like that."  You chuckled.  "But seriously, you look way too tired, it can't be good for your health."

Yoongi sighed.  "I know, I'm sorry."

"Just don't overwork yourself like this again, okay?"  You said as you grabbed his hand, leading him out of the studio. He brushed his hand through his hair, pushing his bangs back.  "I just.. Want it to be perfect."

"I know, but you should think about your health too. How do you expect to produce songs when you're sick, mh?"  You said as you pushed the door to the dorms open.

"I don't know."  He lightly chuckled and closed the door behind him. You released his hand from your hold and walked over to the closet to grab some new clothes, before you walked over to his bed.

"Change into this, it's more comfortable than your jeans."  You said as you handed him a pair of sweatpants.

He didn't respond, the only thing he gave you being a little smile. While he lazily changed you got under the covers. When he finished changing he walked over to the bed. You held your arms open for him to cuddle into you, which he did without any complaint.

He snuggled his nose into your collarbones as you moved the blanket over him, making sure he wouldn't get cold. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him against your chest, feeling his arms wrap around your waist.

A heavy sigh left his lips, brushing your skin as your hand moved up to his head. You played around with his hair for a bit, trying to help him relax.

"Thank you, baby."

You smiled.  "You know I'm always happy to take care of you. But you also know you should think about your health."

He hummed and nuzzled his nose further into your chest, already half asleep. While continuing to play with his hair, you pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"I love you, Yoongs."

"I love you too."  He whispered as he drifted off. A smile formed on your lips as you cooed at how cute he was when he was asleep. His chestnut colored hair fell to the side of this head when he laid down, revealing the lighter shade of brown beneath his bangs.

You were concerned about him, and if he continued overworking like this you'd have to have a word with Namjoon about it.

You closed your eyes and relaxed as well, thinking about how easy it was to get him with you like this. Normally Yoongi didn't let you be the big spoon, as he liked to cuddle you instead. But you knew he'd be lying if he said he didn't secretly love it.

You started to drift away too as your hand movements in his chestnut locks slowly come to a stop. His breathing ragged for a few seconds, before it turned steady again. He looked so tired, so worn out. You made a mental note to talk to Namjoon anyway, whether he continued to overwork like this or not.

His tongue ran over his lips, moisten them before his soft lips formed a pout against your skin again. While listening to his deep breathing, you slowly fell asleep next to him. A soft smile never leaving your features.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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