{38} Min Yoongi

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I wanna go on a trip like this :(

"Promise to take care of yourself honey

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"Promise to take care of yourself honey." Your mom said as she hugged you closely.

"And don't get pulled over! And no swimming naked in a river or something." She added with a worried tone laced in her voice. "And please don't drive at night when it's dark, I don't want you to-"

"Mom, we'll be fine!" You cut her off and released yourself from the hug, finally able to breathe again. "Everything will be fine." You repeat as you hear Yoongi coming up behind you and feeling him place his hand on your shoulder.

"I'll make sure nothing happens to her, promise."

You mom sighed and pulled you in for a hug again. "I'm just gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." You reply as she pulls back and cups your face, patting your cheeks a few times before you can walk over to the mini van in peace.

Yoongi and you had been planning this road trip for ages now. You had saved up your money and bought a rather old van. A few weeks back you painted it in all sorts of new colors and doodles, so the van would be more personalized. You quickly got in the van, seeing Yoongi putting on his shades.

"Got everything?" He asked. You nodded and chuckled. "I even packed the new sunglasses Namjoon gave me."

Yoongi sighed. "I still don't know why he gave you them, you already have a pair."

"He's convinced I'll break them during this week." You shrugged and smiled.

Namjoon and you had been best friends ever since Yoongi wanted you to meet the boys. You both were really clumsy and broke the most random things at some occasions, but you could always laugh about it afterwards.

"I'm sure you will, you're just as bad as he is." Yoongi chuckled. You smacked his arm before leaning out of the window to wave to your mother.

"Be save sweetie!" She yelled as he frantically waved her arms around.

"I will! Bye!" You yelled back as Yoongi started to drive. Once you sat back in the chair you sighed in content. Finally your dream about a road trip got true, and the fact that you could experience it with your boyfriend only made it more enjoyable.

"Looking forward to sleep under the stars?" Yoongi asked as he moved his hand to rest on your thigh. You quickly nodded. "I hope they shine really bright so I can get a picture of them."

He laughed. "You can't capture stars on camera, they're too tiny for that." He said, making you pout. "Don't crush my fantasy with your stupid reality."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." He said as he sped up to pass another car.

"You know you can't go too fast with this old van, right?"

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