{67} Kim Taehyung PT.1

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1170 words

I know, the gif has a black border and it's turned sideways, but that's the least of my worries. Finding this gif was impossible, it took me D A Y S. Finally with some help of my friend l I had the gif, but then I couldn't upload it in the chapter :")

Long story short, it took me hella long to get this gif and it doesn't even work so just deal with the fact that it's a pic turned sideways and has a black border thanks💙

Long story short, it took me hella long to get this gif and it doesn't even work so just deal with the fact that it's a pic turned sideways and has a black border thanks💙

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You peacefully nuzzle your face further into your pillow. You were happy, because finally your dream came true.

You started a family with the man your loved the most in the entire universe.

You couldn't be any happier. You had been married for three years now, and nine months ago you told him you were pregnant. The smile he gave you at that moment could cure any diseases, and you'll never forget the way he picked you up and spun you around while yelling how happy he was.

You smiled as you remembered the moment. Just as you did you heard faint noises coming from the room next to yours. It weren't just any noises. Your baby was crying.

You groaned as you forced yourself to wake up, even though you really didn't want to. Your body was sore, and with every movement you made you felt a wave of pain rushing through your body. Giving birth hurt like a bitch, but you were still glad it happened.

You opened your eyes and brought a fist up to rub them while seeing the man next to you sit up and flick the little lamp on top of the nightstand on.

He looks over his shoulder and softly smiles. "You woke up as well, huh?"

"How can I not, she's so loud." You say while yawning. Taehyung lightly chuckles. "Yeah.. She got that from me, that's for sure." He says as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed. "I'll get it. You go back to sleep, baby."

You softly smile and close your eyes again. "You're a hero."

A chuckle is heard once more, and you feel his soft lips against your forehead before the bed shifts and his warmth is gone. You nuzzle your nose into your pillow again and try to fall asleep.

After a few minutes of laying there, listening to your daughter's weeping and Tae's husky, sleep deprived voice, you give up, as it didn't sound like she was going to stop crying anytime soon.

With a heavy pain in your lower back you sit up, before swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. Oh how you hated the pain after giving birth. You carefully walk to the room next to yours, seeing Tae stand next to the crib with Micha in his arms.

Her cheeks are red from crying, and she clinges onto Tae's shirt like her little life depended on it.

Tae furrows his eyebrows as he notices you. "What are you doing up?" He whisper-yells while bouncing her on his arms. You shrug. "I couldn't fall back asleep with her crying like that." You walk over them and motion for him to give Micha to you. "She won't calm down like that."

Taehyung sighs. "I'm trying my best."

You smile and peck his cheek. "I know you are." You say and turn to Micha. "Hey sweetie. Why are you crying, mh? Did you have a nightmare?"

She grabs your shirt in her little fists and continues crying. You pout and gently run your hand over her back while Taehyung fixes the little sheets in her crib.

"You don't have to cry over a nightmare baby, it wasn't real." You tell her in a soft voice. She slightly calms down at your words. "There you go~ No need to cry."

Taehyung stands next to you with furrowed eyebrows as he watches you talking smoothly to your daughter. Finally she calms down from crying.

"Guess she's more of a mommy's girl, huh?" Taehyung chuckles.

"Well, you're always the one who get's her to laugh." You smile. "And your sleepy voice is way too deep and husky to sound comforting to her." You chuckle and turn around a bit. "Is she sleeping?"

He adverts his eyes towards her, his gaze immediately softening and a smile forming on his lips as he softly nods. "Like an angel."

You smile as well as he takes her from your hands, before gently placing her in her crib and pulling the little blankets over her. You stand there for a few minutes, Tae's arm around your waist as you just watch her sleep.

After a while Taehyung kisses your forehead. "I love you."

You smile and turn to hug him. "I love you too."

"Let's go back to bed, mhm?" He asks and takes your hand. You nod, feeling the tiredness wash over you once more as you let Tae pull you towards the bedroom.

You groan as you sit down on the edge of the bed, a pain shooting up your spine. Taehyung's eyes widen and he carefully places a hand on your back.

"Are you okay?"

You nod and fake a smile to prove your point. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. I know when you fake a smile or not." He furrows his eyebrows. "Let me help you."

You sigh and let him help you lay down again. The pain is even worse when you lay down instead of standing up, but eventually your head hits the pillow. Taehyung pulls the blankets over you before walking to the other side of the bed and getting in as well.

"I hate to see you in pain." He pouts as he carefully wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer.

"It'll go away eventually, it isn't something permanent." You say as you close your eyes, slowly drifting back to sleep.

"I'll go get you some painkillers tomorrow, first thing in the morning." He says and places a kiss to your forehead. You softly smile. "Thank you TaeTae."

"Don't thank me, I'm the one who should thank you. You're the one who gave me a daugter." He smiles and hugs you tighter against his chest. You can't help the huge huge smile forming on your lips. "I love you."

"I love you too baby."

You feel him press another kiss to your forehead. "Goodnight."

"Night." You whisper, close to falling back asleep. The sounds of his heartbeat softly make their way to your ears. You always loved the sound of his heartbeat, it was calming and it showed he was really there, and this wasn't all just a dream.

You feel your mind slowly slipping away to dreamland, and you nuzzle your nose further into his chest to feel more of his warmth. His arms tightened around you for a few seconds, a silent gesture of love you adored.


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