{58} Kim Seokjin

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My best friend is coming over to stay the week 😍

You've been home alone today while your boyfriend was working

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You've been home alone today while your boyfriend was working. Right now you were brushing your hair as you wait for Jin to get home. He's later than usual, but you don't think too much of it. You decide to do some chores as you wait for him - ironing his dress shirts and cleaning the house a little as well as vacuuming the floors.

You smile while putting the peach colored vase back on its place after cleaning it. You walk over to the kitchen and wash your hands, before walking towards the livingroom. As you do so, you hear your phone ring an all to familiar ringtone. You quickly rush towards your phone on the coffeetable and pick up the call.

"Hello." You politely greet the person on the other side.

"Ah, hello. I'm sorry to call you on your free day, but I really need to ask you this." Your boss says.

"That's okay, I don't mind. Did something happen?"

"You can say so, yeah. Dowoon kinda lost all the papers we were working on, and there's no way we can get them back, knowing how he is."

"Stop giving him all the important paperwork then." You sigh, making your boss chuckle nervously. "I had to, you aren't here on Fridays!"

"You could've called me." You tell him as you pace around the room. "Anyways, I have a few copies of the papers, so no need to stress out."

"Really?!" Your boss happily asks. "You're honestly my best worker here."

"I know." You cockily smile at yourself.

"Can you bring them over here now? You don't have to, it's your day off after all, but it would be amazing if you could."

You think about it for a minute. "I mean, I could, but Jin hasn't come home yet... I don't want to leave the house now."

"Ah.. That's okay, just make sure you bring them tomorrow!"

"I'm your best worker, I won't forget them." You chuckle, getting a laugh from your boss as well. "I know you won't. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight."

"Goodnight." You chuckle before you end the call. With a sigh you put your phone down on the coffee table, just at the moment you hear the door open. A smile grows on your face as you see Jin's face peep from behind the wall.

"I'm home! Sorry I'm late."

"That's okay." You smile as you walk towards him, but he quickly motions you to stop. "No! Don't get closer!"

You furrow your eyebrows. "Huh?"

"Close your eyes."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!" He says. You frown but do as he says. "Okay, they're closed. What now?" You ask. It's quiet as he doesn't respond. The only thing you hear are some things being placed on the ground, and soon you feel Jin press a kiss to your nose.

"You can open them now."

When you open your eyes you're met with a breathtaking sight. Flower petals lay all over the floor, and Jin stands in the middle with a teddybear in his hands, a rose between his lips.

"J-Jin.. What is this for?" You ask as you walk over to him, gently grabbing the rose from him.

"Happy anniversary, baby." He smiles at you. You eyes widen at his words. "A-Anniversary?"

"We've been together for excactly seven months! Did you really forget?" He says as he looks at you. You awkwardly smile. "Maybe..? I'm sorry, this week has just been really stressful.. I can't believe I forgot this day.."

Jin chuckles and cups your face, pecking your lips. "It's okay. You can make it up to me by preparing breakfast tomorrow."

"You know I can't cook!" You lightly hit his chest, making him laugh. "Then you're gonna learn to cook! I cook every day for your lazy ass, you need to learn how to do it too."

"But your cooking is amazing, I don't want to learn." You pout.

"I know my cooking is amazing, but I can't do it every night. What if I run late at work, then you have to wait for me to get home until you can have dinner."

"I'll just order pizza then." You shrug.

"Yah! You can't just do that!"

"Of course I can." You chuckle. "Anyways, why were you home later today?"

"I needed to get this rose. I wanted it to be a fresh one and not one which had to be in my office the whole day if I bought it this morning"

"Awe, thank you Jinnie." You smile and peck his lips, before he hands you the teddybear. "You can give him any name you want."

You think about it for a moment before you come up with a name. You grab the brown fluffy bear from his hands and hold it up in front of your face. "Your name will be Yeonjin."

"Oh, doesn't that mean Precious?" Jin asks with a smile. "It suits him."

You smile in agreement, before a yawn leaves your lips. Jin chuckles. "You tired?"

"Mhm." You hum. "You get tired from a day cleaning around the house."

"You cleaned the whole house?" He asks with wide eyes, making you nod. "Does that mean I won't have to cook tomorrow?"

Jin scoffs. "Lazy. Absolutely lazy."

You smile and walk towards the bedroom, Jin hot on your heels. "Can you blame me though? Your cooking is amazing."

"What about this.." Jin starts as he changes into more comfortable clothes. "I'll prepare you a nice anniversary breakfast, but you help me with dinner."

"Fine." You say while getting under the covers. "Can you get me strawberries tomorrow morning?"

"Mhmm.. I think I still have some left, yeah."

"And pancakes?" You cutely ask him, knowing he could never refuse that. A laugh errupts from his troath while he gets in beside you. "And pancakes." He agrees. You smile and snuggle up closer to his chest. "Thank you Jinnie."

"Yeah yeah, thank me tomorrow when you help me with dinner."

You chuckle and bury your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet smell while closing your eyes. You felt his lips press a gentle kiss to your forehead and his arms wrap around your waist as you slowly start to drift away.

"Happy anniversary, baby."

"Happy anniversary. I love you."

"I love me too."

You pout your lips and smack his arm, recieving a chuckle from him. "Goodnight baby, love you too."

You smile and let yourself relax in his arms as you feel yourself fall asleep more and more by the second. The last thing you feel before you finally drift away completely is Jin pressing a loving kiss to your forehead.


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