{2} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin

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"Ugh, why isn't he here yet?!" Jin walked into the livingroom, looking on his phone every few seconds

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"Ugh, why isn't he here yet?!" Jin walked into the livingroom, looking on his phone every few seconds.

"Jin calm down. He's probably late because he wanted to practise just one last time, you know how he is." You sighed as you tried to focus on the movie you were watching.

"I know, it's just that I hate waiting."

Finally you heard a few knocks on the door.

"Took him long enough.." Jin muttered under his breath and walked towards the door.

"Heyyy! I'm sorry I'm late! I needed to perfectionise that stupid part." Jimin complained as he let himself into the house before Jin was even close to the door.

"You should wait until I opened the door! Manners!" Jin scolded.

"Well you gave me a spare key in the first place so~ How's my lovely girl doing?" Jimin walked over to you and pecked your cheek.

"Fine. Now shut up I want to watch my movie! I need to know what she'll do and who she's going to pick." You heard him whine at your words but ignored him and waved him off.

"That's what you get for being late." Jin continued. "She claimed the television because you didn't show up at the time we discussed!"

"I just wanted to practise it one more time, what's wrong with that?" Jimin pouted.

"Jesus Jimin, you're already doing it perfect at the fourth time we practised it together, you really don't need practise."

"Guys please be quiet!" You curled yourself up to a little ball and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your chin on top of your knees.

"I just want it to be even more perfect, you know that Jin."

Jin sighed. "Had at least texted me!"

"There goes my movie. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves." You switched the television off and dropped the remote control on the couch next to you. You already missed half of it anyway.

"I am, actually. Now Jimin and I can finally start our guys-night." Jin walked over to the television and switched it on again, starting the game they wanted to play.


"Did you just say 'sigh' instead of acually sighing?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So what? I'm weird okay." You stood up. "Anyways, anyone want a snack? Something to drink?"

"No~ but I still want a normal kiss since you ignored me." Jimin pouted. You grinned and walked over to him, draping your arms around his neck and giving him a loving kiss. You felt him smiling against your lips.

"Leave some for me too will you, we're sharing her remember?" You heard Jin say, but you paid him no mind. Jimin pulled away smiling. "I'd like a cola and some cookies. Pretty please?"

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu