{86} Park Jimin

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The way my muscles are so sore and I wanna sleep for 14 hours straight but have 8 hours of school today :))

How is everyone doing? I hope great! This imagine was a request by one of my bestest friends, and honestly, I loved writing it 🙃 I hope you like it c:

How is everyone doing? I hope great! This imagine was a request by one of my bestest friends, and honestly, I loved writing it 🙃 I hope you like it c:

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"-so then this girl like, totally looked me at me, like-"

You shook your head and drowned out the noises of your classmates talking. You were walking down the hallways of your busy college towards your last lesson of the day, and as well, your personal favourite for many reasons.

You approach the right classroom number and slow down your pace, letting the others go on and open the door.

One of the boys walks towards it.  "And she was like, doing all of this stuff-"  He rambled on as he placed his hand on the handle of the door, pushing it down and walking ahead while looking back at his friends, just seconds before a loud bang was heard and he was gripping his forehead with his hands.


You rolled your eyes at your classmates behaviour. He was one of the little attention seekers in your class. Totally loved and adored by his friends, but basically just a whole doucebag in general.

"I did."

Almost all the heads turned to where the voice came from, including yours. You softly smiled as you saw your mr.Park standing there, a cup of coffee in one hand and his bag in the other. His hair was slicked back with his glasses, some loose strands falling from it and in front of his forehead. His white button up with a tie was tucked into his black dress pants. He looked as good as ever.

"But why?!"  The annoying student asked.  "Why would you do such a crime to my precious face?!"

You rolled your eyes and sighed. Mr.Park didn't seem to be annoyed by it, just walked over to the door and unlocked it with his key.  "Because I needed to get some coffee."  He calmly said. Sometimes you wondered how he could stay so calm in the middle of this sea of students.

"Coffee is so overrated. One time I accidentally-"  The boy started talking to his friends again, you taking the cue to drown their voices out again.

While you and your classmates scurried over to your seats as soon as Mr.Park had opened the door, he walked over to the desk, standing behind it and placing his coffee cup on the surface with a soft thud while he eyed the classroom suspiciously as he didn't completely trust on the fact that no one would write over some last minute homework.

You just sat down behind one of the front desks, right in front of him. He looked down at you and raised his eyebrow.

"What?"  You deadpanned.  "Am I not allowed to look at you, sir?"

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