{26} Jung Hoseok

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"Please please please! Go with me please!"

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"Please please please! Go with me please!"

"Hobie I told you, I'm comfy. And when I'm comfy I don't like doing things."

"But I need your opinion! It's important!"

You sighed. Recently your boyfriend, Hoseok, was very obsessed with this group called Girls Generation. Today he decided he wanted to buy an album, and you had to come along.

"You can do it yourself, you know more of them then I do. Besides, the shop is literally only a few blocks away! You'll be back before you know it."

"If I'm back before I know it, you'll be too. So get yourself up and let's gooo." He pleaded.

"But I'm comfyyy." You whined. Hoseok walked towards you and grabbed your wrists.

"Don't you dare." You glared at him. He smirked. "And what if I do?"

"No cuddles for a week."

"Jeez, how comfy are you?!"

You shrugged. "I'm wearing your clothes so I'm pretty comfortable. I'm not going."

He sighed. "One week it is."

"Wait wha-"

You squeaked when he suddenly pulled you up. You lost your balance so you fell against his chest.

"Ahw you're hugging me. Guess you didn't mean the 'no cuddles for a week' huh?" He chuckled. You gave him an angry look. "Try me."

"Meh maybe later. For now, let's buy an album!" He smiled brightly and pulled you with him to the store.

When you got there the first thing Hoseok did was walking the the aisle of girl groups, while you just looked around. You saw a few albums of some other groups, and you gotta admit, they looked really talented. They were cute and handsome for sure, no argue about that.

You recognized the song that was currently playing. It was Lose You by Eric Nam. You loved that song, so you began to softly sing along. Not long after you heard Hoseok's happy squeals.

"I found one!" He ran towards you. "What do you think of this one?" He asked while holding one of GG's their albums in front of your face.

"It's really pretty." You said and turned back to look at some more albums, since all of their concepts looked nice and appealing.

"Getting into MXM, huh? I've heard of them, they're really good." Hoseok grabbed one of their albums and looked at it.

"Meh, I might. They're cute."

Hoseok made a face and looked at you. "I feel so offended right now."

You chuckled. "I said cute, not handsome and perfect like you." You quickly pecked his cheek and walked to another isle.

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