{42} Kim Taehyung

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Raindrops make their way down as you go home

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Raindrops make their way down as you go home. You hate cycling through the rain, but you knew Taehyung was at work and you didn't want to disturb him just so he could drive you home. After a few minutes you finally reach the apartment, and you quickly put your bike in the garage before running through the rain towards the front door.

You fumble with the keys in your hand before making quick work of the lock. You make your way inside, the comforting warmth of your home welcoming you. You kick your shoes off before hanging your wet jacket over the heating to dry. Ignoring the rumbling in your stomach you immediately walk over to Taehyung's office.

He mostly used it when he had to finish up some paperwork, but since he wasn't home you gladly made use of it. You dropped your bag on the ground and quickly fished out your binder and some pencils, placing them on the desk before walking over to the bathroom.

You dried your hair a little so it wouldn't drip all over your work, and made your way back. When you sat down on the large office chair you instantly relaxed against the soft cushions of it. Taehyung's scent lingered around while you continued to work on the several essays you had to finish up.

Your wet jeans were sticky against your legs, and your still wet hair was making a wet patch on the back of your shirt, but you couldn't get up to shower or change into something more comfortable. Your teacher already scolded you for getting late to class today, blame that on the harsh wind blowing in your face while cycling, so you had to finish your work on time to get a better overall grade.

The warmth slowly started to leave your body due to your wet clothes, and the grumbling from your stomach didn't make it any better. After a while you hear the front door open, and a bag being set down on the floor.

"I'm home!" You hear Taehyung yell from downstairs. "I'm in your office!" You yell back to let him know you were home as well. You hear the stairs creak a bit, and soon Taehyung opens the door.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hey." You say without looking up from your work.

"What are you doing?"

You sigh. "Those stupid essays."

He hums as he walks into the room. He stops in front of the desk, lightly tapping the floor with his foot.

"Did you shower?" He then asks. You shake your head. "Don't have the time for that."

He frowns. "Then why is your hair we- wait.." He cuts himself off. "Did you go through the rain?"

"Sadly, yeah." You reply as you finally finish one essay. You put the bundle of paper away, clipping it together before you grab another one.

"Why didn't you call me, it's gushing outside!"  He continued.

"You were working, I didn't want to disturb you. I know you had an important meeting today." You say, starting to write on the still blank paper.

"Still, I could've just rescheduled that meeting for later this week so I could drive over to pick you up."

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