{37} Jung Hoseok

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Short one, I know. Next will be longer!

 Next will be longer!

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Hoseok was home late. You hated the days he had to work late so much. You'd miss him a lot and just don't know what to do. So now you were sitting in your room, knees pulled up against your chest and your arms wrapped around them. You sighed heavily.

Why couldn't he just be home already?

You felt bad, because you didn't saw him when he left this morning. He didn't wake you up, being the sweet human being he is, and just went to work. Even though you felt happy he gave you your rest, you wanted a kiss when he left. Or a hug, or just simply see him.

Not seeing him made you sad. You felt tears behind your eyes. You hated crying over something small, but that's just how you were, you couldn't help it. It was just your heart being broken too many times that you were so sensitive now. You sniffed and wiped your cheeks, before grabbing your phone.

Honeybear 💜
Hobie? Are you almost done?

You sighed as you waited for a response. Normally he would reply in a few minutes, but now it felt like forever. When you heard the ping you quickly looked at the screen

Sunshine 🌟
On my way home. Did something happen?

You never texted him to ask if he was done, as you knew he'd come home right after he left there. But now you just really missed him

Honeybear 💜
I need you Hoseokkie, I want cuddles >~<

You sniffed again as tears rolled down your cheeks, you really missed him a lot.

Sunshine 🌟
Ahw babyy~ I'm on my way

You sighed and buried your face in your hands. 'On my way,' could mean anything. Like was he close, or did he just left there? It could take an hour for all you know, maybe the road was busy. You stood up from the floor and walked to the bed, letting yourself fall down on it.

You clutched your pillow tightly, wishing it was Hoseok. Tears fell down as you missed him. You didn't need to miss him often as he was always there, but when you did, it was bad. You were so caught up in the crying, your face buried in the pillow, you didn't hear the "I'm home!" coming from downstairs. Only when you felt a hand on your shoulder you looked up.

"I'm home." Hoseok looked down at you with a smile, which dropped when he saw you crying.

"Yah, why are you crying?!" He quickly sat down and took you in his arms. You cried against his chest and hugged him tightly.

"Please don't cry, you know I hate that."

"I can't h-help it." You choked out. "I missed you so much, I didn't even got the change to see you this morning."

"I'm sorry for leaving so early, but I couldn't wake you up." He softly said while rubbing your back. You sniffed as he pulled away, cupping your cheeks and wiping your tears with his soft thumbs.

"S'okay. But please don't do it again."

"I wont, baby, I promise." He smiled, before he moved to lay you down. He pulled the blankets to your chin and quickly changed before getting in with you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest.

"I love you baby, I'm sorry for leaving to you like that this morning." He kissed the top of your head. You smiled and hugged him. "I love you too Hobie."

You sniffed one more time before relaxing and drifting away in his hold, happy he was finally home.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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