{3} Jeon Jeongguk

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Jungkook was late

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Jungkook was late. Again.

You sit on the couch staring at your phone, hoping he'll call or at least let you know he was okay. With their brand new album on the way he practised the new dances all day long if he could. He really wanted it to be perfect, and you know that.

And you tried to be the good girlfriend and let him do what he wants to do, you really did. But there was a part of you that just couldn't. That part missed him a lot, and wished he was home more often rather than spending so much time at practising the dances he already did perfectly.

Finally you heard the door open. You put you phone down on the table and stood up. Jungkook walked in, looking sweaty and tired.

"I'm home." He said and smiled at you. You return his warm smile and wanted to give him a hug but he stopped you. You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head.

"First I'm going to shower, I'm all sticky."

"I don't mind you being sticky, I want a hug." You said with a pout.

"When I'm done showering we'll cuddle, okay?" He promises and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before he walked off towards the bathroom.

You sighed and walked to the bedroom. You laid in bed and stared up at the cieling. You heard the water run, and after a minute you heard Jungkook's soft voice. You didn't recognize the song, so you guessed it was from the new album they would release next month.

He just wouldn't stop practising.

You smiled at yourself at the thought. It something you loved about him. Always wanting to be perfect for ARMY. Always wants to do his utter best. Finally you heard the shower stop running. After a minute Jungkook walked in, only his sweatpants on, giving you a full view of his perfectly shaped body. He caught you staring and smiled.

"Like what you see?" He asked, making you nod. He grinned and grabbed a new shirt to wear for the night. He quickly put his shirt on and walked over to the bed before laying down besides you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, resting his chin on your head. You snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes.

"I missed you Kookie." You pouted. "A lot."

"I missed you too baby." He held onto you a little tighter, but made sure not to hurt you.

"Then," You paused. "No, nevermind."

He pulled back a little and looked down at you. "What is it?"

You shook your head. "It's nothing Kookie, just go to sleep. I'm sure you're tired."

"I'm not going to sleep until I know what's bothering you." He looked straight into your eyes, trying to read you like a book. You avoided his gaze.

"Look at me." He sternly said. You hestitantly raised your head to meet his eyes. "I want to know what it is, so tell me."

You blinked a few times before you sighed. "Fine. But please don't hate me, promise!"

"What?! I can't hate you, you know that! You're the best what's ever happened to me, and I love you more than anything in the world. I won't hate you no matter what you're going to tell me." He reassured you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Well, I was going to say 'then don't stay so long after practise and come home to me', but I can't do that. You deserve to do what makes you happy, and I don't want to take that away from you. I understand that the boys and the fans mean a lot to you, and I'm selfish for wishing you would come home right after practise."

You burried your face in his chest again. "And I can't help but wishing you'd spent more time with me instead of practising so much." You finished with a muffled voice.

It's quiet for a moment, until you heard him chuckle. You looked up at him with a confused look.

"Really? You think you're selfish for wishing that?" He asked with a huge smile. You nodded and pouted, still confused as to why he was laughing.

"Baby, if you want me home to spend more time with you, you should've just asked me. I would've made sure to come home sooner." He cupped your face with his hands, squeezing your cheeks together.

"You're so cute when you're jealous." He grinned and made some faces you'd normally make if you talked to a baby. You grabbed his hands and pulled them away from your face, before soothing your cheeks with your own hands.

"That hurts.." You pouted again. Jungkook chuckled and pulled you closer to him again. He planted a kiss on the top of your head and hugged you tightly.

"I love you so, so much, you have no idea." He smiled.

"Even though you almost killed my cheeks - I love you too." You snuggled into his chest again and closed your eyes, enjoying his company.

"Babe?" He asked after a while of silence.

"Mhm?" You hummed back in response.

"Do you want to come watch us practise tomorrow? After that we can go on a date. We'll go to your favourite restaurant and walk your favourite route in the park and when we're home we'll watch your favourite movie."

You smiled. "I'd love that Kookie."

He squeezed you and kissed the top of your head again. "Sleep, baby. I need you to be well rested for tomorrow. You'll need the energy."

"We're not only gonna do the things you just mentioned, are we?"

"Nope." He replied with a grin. You sighed but smiled. You hadn't been on a date in a while due to Jungkook being busy, and you were sure he'd go all out tomorrow to make it up to you. He wouldn't accept a 'good' or a 'nice'. He only accepted perfect. Sometimes it was frustrating, but most of the time it turned out amazing.

You closed you eyes again and listened to his heartbeat, it was steady, and it made you feel really relaxed.

The way his chest rose and fell down with every breath he took, made you feel calm.

The way he had his arms around your body, and the way he'd give you a little squeeze everytime he heard a noise from outside, made you feel save and protected.

Finally, you felt yourself slowly drifting away. But before you were completely off to dreamland, you heard Jungkook mutter a sweet;

"I love you, baby."

And with that, you fell asleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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