{70} Jung Hoseok

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I wrote this in maybe just half an hour or something so it's kinda rushed 😬
Also ignore the crappy storyline, I promise the next ones will be way better!

I wrote this in maybe just half an hour or something so it's kinda rushed 😬Also ignore the crappy storyline, I promise the next ones will be way better!

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You groan, brushing your bangs back. You always kept track of this, always made sure you had everything ready, always made sure you were prepared, always made sure to have enough chocolate and icecream at home.

How could you forget it this time?

In the middle of the night you woke up with a heavy pain in your lower stomach. You trashed around a bit until you figured your period had arrived, almost a week and a half late. You had rushed to the bathroom, only to find out you didn't have any pads left.

Hoseok had questioned you about what was wrong for a few long minutes, until you told him what was happening. He had been a sweetheart about it all, and offered to go to the store to go get you some.

Even though it was still the middle of the night and you refused his offer at first, you let him go after a few minutes of him pleading.

Now you were just waiting for him to get back, tiredly pacing back and forth, blinking rapidly in a try to keep yourself awake.

"I'm back!" Hoseok finally yells from downstairs. You brush your hand through your hair again, the unsettling feeling in your lower stomach not ceasing even a little bit.

You hear the loud thumping on the stairs and soon you hear a few soft knocks on the bathroom door.

"I got everything you asked for. I didn't know which size or color or whatever I had to buy so I just bought a package from everything they had."

You mentally facepalm yourself at his words, and quickly open the door. His eyes scan over your face as his eyebrows furrow.

"Are you okay?"

You nod a few times as he hands you the plastic bag he was holding.

"Thank you." You mutter in a soft voice and quickly shut the door again. You vaguely hear Hoseok chuckle as you place the bag on the sink, looking for the right size pads.

Finally you found the purple package that belonged to your size, and you pulled it out before ripping it open. You got out a package and walked to the toilet, quickly cleaning yourself and putting the pad in your underwear.

You walk over to the sink with a sigh, the gross feeling finally gone, being replaced by the not so comfortable feeling of wearing a pad.

You wash your hands, before opening the door. You rub your eyes, fighting to stay awake as you walk over to Hoseok, who was patiently waiting for you to come back.

Once he saw you he moved the blankets a little, opening arms wide for you to snuggle up into. And you gladly did, moving your arms in front of you as you nuzzle your nose in the crook of his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around you in a protective manner.

"You okay?" He softly asked once more. You hummed in response. "The cramps were bad but now it's fine. I'm sorry for waking you up and causing you to rush to the store." You say, pouting a little.

"That's totally fine, baby. It's not your fault, you can't help it." He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

You smiled a little at his words. You were so lucky to have a boyfriend who wasn't a total dick about a girl having her period, and wouldn't stay away as far as possible when it happened.

Instead, you got a literal sunshine, who would always take care of you and would do everything for you. He would cuddle you and tell you he loved you, knowing that in these times you were a lot more sensitive then normal.

A smile crept on your face and you tiredly pecked his neck. "Thank you."

He softly chuckled and hugged you a bit tighter. "Everything for my little angel." He said and kissed your forehead again. "Sleep now, yeah?"

You sleepily nodded and nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, pressing yourself further into his chest even more, already feeling yourself start to drift away.

"I love you." You whispered, groaning a little afterwards as a light cramp suddenly hit you.

"I love you too baby." Hoseok whispered back while hugging you closer to him. "So much." He sleepily added as you both fell asleep again.


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