{98} Jung Hoseok

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Long time no update, heh, sorry about that. I wrote a lot during my classes though but I didn't seem to be able to finish them once I got home >:(
I saw a Twitter update thingy on Instagram for this idea and it actually gave me some motivation and inspiration to write this imagine.

I know this one is short but the next imagine will be way longer, promise! ♥️

I know this one is short but the next imagine will be way longer, promise! ♥️

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"Do you have everything?" Hoseok asked you as you walked across the room. "I think I do." You replied. "Just let me get my phone." You walked to the device laying on the dresser and unplugged it from the charger, pushing it in the back pocket of your skinny jeans. "I'm done!"

"Good." He smiled. "Let's get going then." He said and grabbed a pair of sunglasses, pushing them high on his nose. You were planning to go out to the mall for a week now to get some new clothes, and today seemed like a good day to do it. It was still pretty early, your watch only showing 10:13AM but you knew that you'd fill the whole day if you went with Hoseok.

The both of you walked out onto the driveway, making your way towards the busstation after he had locked the door behind him. You walked in a rather comfortable silence, lacing your fingers together when he reached out to hold your hand in his. Soon you reached the busstation and sat down on the little bench, being the only ones there.

A sigh left your lips as you waited patiently. Hoseok did the same, getting out his phone and scrolling through his social media a bit. It wasn't necessarily cold or anything, as it was still summer. It was cold compared to how hot it would be later on the day though.

When the bus came Hoseok shut his phone off but held it in his hand, letting you step on the bus first before he followed after you. You didn't really have to take the bus as you got a car, but sometimes it was nice to be driven rather than drive on your own.

When the bus stopped you got off, stepping into the morning air again. Hoseok grabbed your hand again and gently pulled you along with him as you began walking the short route to the mall. You passed an alley and turned on a corner and then you were met with around 23 people strolling around, a few of them holding bags but others just taking a walk.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Hoseok asked you as he exhaled. You hummed a little, mentally going over everything you thought you needed. "I wanna go look for sweaters first."

His brows burrowed and he turned his head to look down at you. "But it's summer?"

You chuckled and pulled him along with you. "They're less expensive now than when you buy them in the winter." You explained and entered the first store. Hoseok nodded in understanding and helped you search for one or two sweaters, commenting on them and telling you which one looked nice on you and which didn't.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu