{7} Min Yoongi & Jung Hoseok

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"Let's go watch the stars!"  Hoseok exitedly clapped his hands as he came up with a thing to do, now that the television in the hotelroom was broken and you couldn't watch the movie you wanted to see

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"Let's go watch the stars!" Hoseok exitedly clapped his hands as he came up with a thing to do, now that the television in the hotelroom was broken and you couldn't watch the movie you wanted to see.

"I'll go get some snacks." Yoongi skipped over to the kitchen.

"If we're going to do that I don't want to be on the balcony of our room, but the roof of the hotel." You pout, knowing they would always agree if you did.

"Of course, we want the best view!" Hoseok puts his arm on your shoulder and leaned on you while waiting for Yoongi. Finally he comes back. "I heard you two talking so I made a little basket."

"Let's go alreadyyy I don't want to miss an opportunity to see a falling star!" Hoseok quickly grabs his jacket and runs out the door. "Last one at the roof treats the others on icecream tomorrow!" He yells as he runs down the hall.

"Hobi be quiet! People can be sleeping by now!" Yoongi yelled after him as he grabbed his jacket too.

"Ah let him have his fun, he doesn't harm anyone with it." You smile as you pull on your yellow jacket.

"No, he needs to behave."

"Well, I'm not going to treat you two on icecream, so bye!" You run away, chasing Hoseok who is waiting on the end of the hall. You both don't pay attention to Yoongi anymore as you and Hoseok run to the stairs.

"We should've helped him with the basket though." Hoseok says while running up the first flight of stairs.

"You can go after him if you want, but I won't stop before I'm out of the treating-you-on-icecream zone."

"I wouldn't mind treating you, but mister grumpy pants there is another story, so I'll join you."

"You two can be annoying as hell!" Yoongi yells from the bottom of the stairs. You both run faster as you almost reached the door to the roof. You both laugh as you finally reach the door. You open it and run to the middle of the roof before you look up to the sky.

It's all black, with a dark blue glow flowing through it. It's a full moon, with no clouds at all. The stars and the lights of the city below you are as bright as ever. It's beautiful.

"Woooooahh." Hoseok gapes as he stands next to you.

"Don't make a cheesy comment now such as 'it's beautiful but you are way more beautiful' and just admire the view please." You nudge his arm playfully.

"Wasn't planning to, but I know someone who would."

"Waaaahh." You turn around and see Yoongi standing in the doorway. His hand still on the handle, and the basket in the other. "It's so pretty."

You roll your eyes and Hoseok raises his eyebrows.

"But not as pretty as you, of course, let's be honest."

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