{56} Jeon Jeongguk

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If you know the drama I referred to in this imagine you can marry me 🤧

"I'm home! I brought snacks!" Jungkook says as he happily barges through the front door with two plastic bags in his hands

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"I'm home! I brought snacks!" Jungkook says as he happily barges through the front door with two plastic bags in his hands.

You smile at him as you clap your hands a few times. "Great! I'm starving!" You get up from the couch with an ache in your stomach and walk over to the kitchen where he places the bags on the counter. You've been feeling really sick all day, and unfortunately your period kicked in as well, adding up to the feeling of dying.

You peek into one of the bags, and your eyes widen as you see what's inside. "You're the best, Kookie."

He chuckles as you get out a box of ice cream. You quickly grab a spoon and jump on the kitchen island, ignoring the pain in your lower stomach, before you hurriedly open the box and dig into the cold strawberry flavoured substance.

"I know." He cockily says as you continue to devour the ice cream. Nothing was better than your favourite food when you were having cramps. And luckily Jungkook knew how much you loved ice cream, even though it wasn't a good idea when you were sick. But right now, period urges were stronger.

"Anyways, the boys kinda ordered me to go home and rest. Guess I practised too much again." He chuckles.

"Mhm. Totally agree with them. You practise way too much sometimes." You say while stuffing your face with ice cream.

"I can't help it, if I don't practise something just feels off." Jungook sighs as he leans back against the counter opposite of you. "So, what did you do all day when I was gone?"

You shrug. "Nothing much, just laid on the couch watching some dramas."

Jungkook hums as he watches you eat the ice cream. "Which drama are you watching this time?"

"Romance Is A Bonus Book. It's really good."

"I bet it is." Jungook says and walks over to you, standing in between your legs. "You know too much ice cream isn't good for you, right?" He adds as he eyes you quickly eating the ice cream. You furrow your eyebrows and stuff some more into your mouth. "Let me be. You'll understand how much I need this when you have your first period."

A chuckle leaves his lips as he reaches out to the box of ice cream, making you whine and shake your head. "Just a little more, pretty please?"

"You'll get more tomorrow, baby."

You scoop a big spoon of ice cream on your spoon before you let Jungkook grab the box out of your hands. You quickly move the spoon past your lips as he puts the box of ice cream away before finding his spot back between your legs.

"Meanie." You pout.

"You almost had the whole box! I know you're on your period and all but that isn't a reason to get sick of ice cream."

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