{73} Kim Namjoon

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Sorry for the lack of activity :(
I hope this imagine is good even though it's a bit shorter.

Sorry for the lack of activity :(I hope this imagine is good even though it's a bit shorter

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"I love you." Namjoon stated matter of factly as he pressed a kiss to your nose.

You shook your head while tracing a finger over his defined collarbones, his shirt hanging loosely around his shoulders as he hovered over you between the sheets of your freshly made bed.

"No, I love you."

He hummed as he pretended to think deeply about it, his gaze leaving your face for a few seconds before looking back at you, eyes sparkling. "I don't think so." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you most."

You shook your head again. "I love you twice as much as that."

A chuckle left his lips. "I love you triple as much."

You furrowed your eyebrows, not planning on letting him win. "I love you four times as much as that!"

He leant down and kissed your cheek. "Nope." He said, popping the 'p'.

"Well how do you know anyway, you can't look into my head." You pouted.

"That's true," He said as he planted a kiss to your other cheek. "But I just know. It's a fact. Because there's no amount of love that could outweigh my love for you."

A faint blush started to form on your cheeks. This man could get you flustered so bad just by putting the rights words into a simple sentence.

He chuckled as he looked at you, leaning down once more.

"I win." He whispered right before he captured your lips with his own.

You wanted to protest, but the feeling of his lips on yours drowned your mind from forming correct sentences. The way he skillfully moved his lips over yours caused your mind to become clouded, the only thing on your mind being him.

Just him.

No matter how many nights you had spend together. No matter how many times you heard him laugh. No matter how many times he came to you with the story he broke something. Nothing could ever stop you from wanting him.

This was the man you wanted to grow old with. This was the man you truly wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

You wanted everything of him. His clumsiness, his laughs, his little giggles, his caring side, his dimpled smile, the way he held you when you were scared or upset, the way he would shy away whenever someone complimented him..

You just wanted everything there was to the beautiful man laying on top of you.

Nothing could ever change your mind.

After a few minutes he pulled away, pushing his forehead against yours. You panted heavily as you tried to catch your breath. He always kissed you in a way that left you breathless.

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