{96} Kim Taehyung

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Mom i love him

"I bet you can't reach this

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"I bet you can't reach this."

"That's not fair! You know you're way taller than me."

"So you're gonna give it to me now?"

You sighed. Taehyung could be really annoying when he wanted to be. He was currently holding a pillow - note: your favourite pillow - up in the air, above his head. And it didn't look like he was gonna give it back any minute.

"Tae just give me my pillow."

He shook his head, his blue bangs moving with the movements of his head. "Nope!"



"You brat."

"Yes I'm your brat." He grinned cheekily. You sighed deeply and gave up, letting yourself fall back down on the mattress. "You're no fun."

"Sure I am!" He protested and let himself fall down too, right on top of you. "Hi." He grinned, smiling down at you as he braced himself on his forearms on either side of your head.

"Hi." You smiled back, leaning your head up to peck his cheek. He grimaced and rolled off of you, wiping at his face with the back of his hand. "Ew ew ew ew ew!"

"What?" You chuckled, dumbfounded.

"Yuck!" He said as he stood up, taking a pillow from the bed. "Yuck yuck!" He chanted and threw the pillow at you, which landed right in your face. You shrieked and hurried to grab the pillow to throw it back at him, but he was long gone.

"Kim Taehyung! Get back here!" You yelled after him as you scurried off of the bed, bolting right after him. You could hear his cute giggles from miles away, setting your destination to the kitchen as you walked down the stairs.

"You better not be thrashing around in there, I just cleaned the kitchen and have like, zero motivation to do that ever again." You warned as you held the pillow you were holding to your chest.

All you got in response was a short laugh, so you narrowed your eyes as a smirk came onto your features. When you came into the kitchen Taehyung quickly duck down and hid behind te kitchen island.

"You know I can still see you." You chuckled and walked up to him. When you reached the island you jumped up, not expecting a pillow to fly your way. Taehyung all but laughed as he watched you geting hit in the face by a pilow.


You huffed as the pillow fell to the ground, bending down and reaching a hand up to your face. Tae ran to the other side the kitchen island and looked at you as he expected you to throw the pillow in your hands back to him. But you didn't.

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