{19} Park Jimin

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This imagine was an idea of busan_exe so I put things she told me in it too, I'm so nice, I know.
Hope you like it ♥️

You walked back to your home after getting some Starbucks from the shop nearby

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You walked back to your home after getting some Starbucks from the shop nearby. It was halfway through Spring, and the flowers were coming back to life again.


When you took another sip of your coffee your phone made a sound, indicating you had a message. You fetched your phone from the back pocket of your shorts and pressed the button to light up the screen.

Hey.. Can we talk?

You frowned. He never was this.. Laid-back? Jimin has been your best friend ever since you two were kids, and you were inseparable ever since he comforted you after your ice cream fell to the floor. Anyhow, when he texted he always put emoji's or smiley's, and this time it was serious. Something he never was over text.

Sure, is something wrong? You sound kinda upset >~<

No, nothing's wrong.. I just wanna talk 🤧

Okay, where?

Can you come to the park at our spot at 10 PM?

I'll be there 😊

Thank youu 😩👏🏻

After chuckling at his message you put your phone away and saw that you reached your apartment. You unlocked the door and walked to your room to change into something more comfortable. Afterwards you plopped on your bed and grabbed your phone to play a game. Suddenly you got another text from Jimin.

Btw! Wear something blue! 💙

You frowned, but smiled. There was the excited Jimin again. You opened a game, trying to let the time pass by more quicker as you were really curious about what Jimin had to tell you.


Finally it was time to get ready. You walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and did your hair and make-up. You didn't put that much effort in it as you knew Jimin couldn't care less about how you looked. Plus, you felt comfortable enough around him to not care as well.

You walked to your closet to get something blue, as Jimin had requested. Your eyes scanned across the clothes, and finally spotted blue fabric peeking from under a red shirt. You grabbed it and unfolded it. It was the baby blue dress you got from your father for Christmas last year. It had an open back, and lace sleeves which ended just under your shoulders. The dress ended on mid-thigh, and you couldn't help but smile at it.

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