{78} Park Jimin

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So both of my parents are disappointed in me.
How's your day?

Today you had decided to visit the company to come watch the boys dance, since you didn't really had something else to do

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Today you had decided to visit the company to come watch the boys dance, since you didn't really had something else to do. You politely nod your head to the lady behind the front desk, and she smiles in response. This isn't the first time you get here, so you're easily let through.

You skip over to the side of the building where they practise dancing, and you soon hear the music of one of the songs from their new album blast through the speakers. You carefully open the door, being as carefull as you can to not disturb them while they're dancing.

You place the bags with drinks and some snacks you got for them down on the table, setting your own bag next to it before sitting down on the couch against the wall beside it and rest your back against the soft cushions. You watch them in silence as they finish the dance.

As soon as the music stops they all yell or groan, while Jungkook and Taehyung goof around. Yoongi is the first one to notice you as he walks over to the couch.

"Oh, hey. How long have you been here?" He smiles as he plops down next to you.

"Long enough to know you're all doing the dance perfectly." You reply and smile back at him. He chuckles as he leans back on the couch, closing his eyes. Just then Jimin notices you.

"Princess! When did you get here?" He asks with a smile and jogs over to you. You let yourself being engulfed by his arms wrapping around you in a hug. "Just now, not too long ago. I brought you guys some food."

"Really? You're the best!" He says as he lets go of you, planting a quick kiss to your lips before walking towards the table. The rest of the boys all skip over to the table as soon as they notice, Yoongi slightly complaining about standing up but doing so anyway when Namjoon held up his favourite drink, while Hoseok walked over to you with a big smile playing on his lips.

Even though you loved all the members, Hoseok was special. He had always been there when you felt down. He was the first one to approve of your relationship with Jimin, looking at the bright side of it rather than the downsides, with him being an idol and all. He had been the first one of the members who befriended you, who treated you like one of them rather than just the girlfriend of Jimin. Of course you loved Jimin more, but Hoseok was a special case and he became a close friend of yours in the short time you've known each other.

"Hey!" He greeted you. "How've you been?"

You smiled up at him and watched him fall down on the couch next to you, pushing his bangs back in the progress. "I've been alright, I guess. Work has been a bitch but other than that I'm fine."

"Ah that's good. Any comments on the dance? Do you like it?" He asked you and opened the cap of the waterbottle in his hands, immediately taking a few sips.

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