{65} Kim Seokjin

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You groan as you run your fingers through your hair, placing your spatula back on the counter in front of you

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You groan as you run your fingers through your hair, placing your spatula back on the counter in front of you. This was your sixth attempt already, and it still wouldn't work.

"This is honestly so stressful! I don't know how you always do it!" You frustratedly yell and turn around to face Jin, who had been watching you from the third try.

"It really isn't that hard." He snickered as he lifted his glass and took a sip of the beverage. You rolled your eyes at him. "Then help me! All you do is laugh at me."

"Nah, this is way more fun." He smiled. You pouted and turned back around, going for your seventh try.

You read the words written down on the piece of paper you got from Jin's mother. She thought it would be nice if you cooked for Jin sometime. You really wanted to cook for him, that wasn't the problem.

He always cooked for the both of you, and even though his cooking was amazing and you couldn't get enough of it, you wanted to repay him. The only problem was the fact that your cooking skills were basically nonexistent, and you had given up your hope on a good meal on the fourth try.

Jin wasn't that big of a help either, as he just sat there, watching you fail while munching away on his mid day snack - which were the strawberries you had bought for tomorrow, but he didn't seen to care. He was clearly amused, as his laugh would sound through the apartment every once in a while.

You sighed as you cleaned the frying pan before starting all over again. You felt Jin's eyes burning on your back, watching while you followed every single step his mother had written out for you.

You read every step at least three times, making sure you followed exactly what it said before you moved on to the next one. Thinking it went pretty well you turn to around to face Jin, who was just smiling goofily at you.

"Doing good?"

You nod with a smile. "Very good. This time I'm sure I'll succeed." You proudly smile as you lean on the kitchen island with your elbows, cupping your face with your hands while looking up at him.

Jin hums, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl and popping in in his mouth. "If you say so."

"See? I can cook after all!"

Jin raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure of that?" He asks as he points behind you. You furrow your eyebrows and turn around, seeing your seventh attempt failing miserably once again.

You groan as you brush your hands through your hair frustratedly once more, hearing Jin snicker behind you again, as it apparantly was really funny to him.

"You're a terrible cook!" He laughs.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." You sigh as you start cleaning off the frying pan once more. Jin chuckles as he comes up next to you, grabbing some new ingredients.

"I'll help you out. But just this once!"

"Not like I'll ever try cooking again after this." You scoff, making Jin laugh some more as he sets everything in place to start all over again.

He tells you what he does and what you did wrong as he shows you how it's done. You make sure to watch his every move as you try to memorize it so you can maybe cook it if you ever needed to.

The whole time he's cooking for the both of you, you're watching him intensly. Eventually he turns the stove off and grabs two plates, scooping some of the food onto them before setting them down on the kitchen island.

While he sits down you grab some chopsticks to eat the food with, handing him a pair before you sit down as well.

"It looks and smells amazing as always, Jin." You compliment him as you grab your chopstick in your hand correctly.

"Thank you, as always." He smiles before you both dig into the food. You scoop up some with your chopsticks before bringing it up to your mouth.

As you chew on it the taste spread through your mouth, filling your senses. Jin's food always tasted so good. You don't know why, but somehow it always tasted like some royalties meal. While you eat he tells you some of his dadjokes, some of them actually being funny.

After a while you finished eating, and he takes your plates to set them down in the sink. You stretch your tired limbs, groaning in the progress.

"I don't know how you do it, but that was amazing."

A chuckle is heard as he turns around to face you. "It really isn't that hard, you're just a bad cook."

You roll your eyes and stand up. "I know, I know. No need to slap it into my face even more."

Jin laughs and swings an arm around your shoulders. "One day, you'll learn how to cook and you'll tell everyone what a perfect teacher you had."

"Wait who's gonna be my teacher?" You ask as you furrow your eyebrows. Jin steps back with an offended expression. "Me! I'm gonna be your teacher!"

"Ahh.." You nod and flash him an awkward smile. "I knew that. Of course I did."

"Yeah right." Jin scoffs as he walks towards the stairs. "I'm going to bed."

"Hey, wait for me!" You chuckle as you follow him. He doesn't respond, instead he turns around and spreads his arms for you. You smile and jump into them, wrapping your legs around his waist. You feel him place his hands on the back of your thighs as he walks up the stairs.

You plant a kiss to his cheek before nuzzeling your nose into that spot. "Thank you Jinniee~" You smile as he enters the bedroom.

"Anytime, princess." He smiles as well as he gently plops you down on the bed before falling down next to you. You lean forwards to reach for the blankets, pulling them over the both of you.

The warmth of the blankets is nice, and you turn slightly to face Jin. He lays on his back, one arm behind his head while the one closest to you is spread out, like he's just begging you to cuddle up into his side.

A smile makes its way to your face as you scoot closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder while you move your arm over his broad chest. While keeping his eyes closed, Jin puckers his lips out. You softly chuckle as you lean in to plant a kiss to his plump lips.

He hums happily and gently kisses back, before you pull away to lay back down again. You move a little to get comfortable, and eventually settle with a leg over his waist, trapping him and preventing him from leaving you during the night.

"Goodnight my terrible cook." Jin softly says. His voice is slightly raspy due to the tiredness, making it sound calming and relaxing at the same time.

You lightly smack his chest, but you can't stop the grin forming your lips. "Goodnight my handsome cook."

"I know I'm handsome." He cockily says while he gets more comfortable on the mattress.

You close your eyes and pat his chest a few times. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." He whispers and softly kisses your forehead. You lay there like that, enjoying the silence and each others company.

The soft sound of his heartbeat beating in his chest never failed to make you feel at peace, and the way his chest rose and fell with every breath he took surely helped with that.

Soon you started to drift away, feeling Jin softly place his lips on the top of your head for a last time, before turning himself around so he was properly hugging you.

You smiled as you finally let your mind slip to the back of your mind, falling asleep in the arms of your handsome boyfriend.


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