{79} Min Yoongi ~ Important AN

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❗️Important A/N at the end!❗️

The way my heart got soft while writing the ending and the way I want that too 🤧🥺

The way my heart got soft while writing the ending and the way I want that too 🤧🥺

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"Oh, can you do this for me? You're a hero, thanks!"

"Can you fill out these forms? Great, thank you!"

"My feet hurt, can you take these papers to ms.Park her office? You're such an angel!"

"The printing machine is stuck again, could you call the head office about it? I owe you one, thanks!"

"Oh, can you please-"

You sigh heavily as you cover your face in your hands, sitting like that for a moment before running your fingers through your hair. You hated it. You really hated it. All of your collegues saw you as just a help, an assistant. But you weren't there for them, you where there for yourself and for the company, to help the publishing office get bigger as it was one of your favourite publishers, ever since you were a kid and you learned how to read.

Sure, you started to work there as an extra help for the people, and yeah, you used to do all those things for them. But since you got an official job here, people didn't start to treat you any differently. They still saw you like an extra, not one of them, just a person to do stuff for them they didn't want to do themselves.

You were sick of it.

The past week had been a rollercoaster, with you moving to a new appartment, trying to keep up with your work-out schedule, helping your fiance Yoongi with his music, and on top of that trying to maintain a polite face all the time at work.

You were tired, really tired. Due to everything going on you didn't have time for any sort of relaxing, the only thing you did being work, work and more work...

Everything you did, you did for someone else. Every step you took, was to bring some papers around for someone else. Every cup of coffee you made at work, had been for someone else. Nobody seemed to care about the fact that you needed to finish your work too. They all shoved their problems off on you, causing you to overwork a few hours, almost daily.

Normally, you worked four days a week, and since you had an official job here it became five. And you were fine with that, you really were. But now that you couldn't finish your work the hours of your shift because of your collegues, you worked a lot more than you thought you would, every day again.

And it was slowly killing you. You just wanted to go home, curl yourself up in a bunch of blankets with some hot chocolate and binge watch some cheesy movies. You knew you couldn't, and that once you got back home you needed to prepare dinner for Yoongi. That you'd need to clean his personal room he used for producing his music from discarded papers from his brainstorming every night. That you'd need to water the plants in the living room and after that finish your paperwork for the day after, before eventually going to bed later than Yoongi, which meant no goodnight kiss, only to wake up early, preparing breakfast for him and leaving for work at dawn.

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