{69} Kim Taehyung PT.2

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I kinda want to be a parent :")

Your hand makes its way towards the buttons to turn off the music as you park your car in front of your appartment

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Your hand makes its way towards the buttons to turn off the music as you park your car in front of your appartment. After a stressful day of work you're happy to be back home again. You step out the car and walk towards to door, finding it unlocked.

A smile forms on your lips as that means your beloved husband is home. You push the door open and step inside, immediately hearing laughs and giggles coming from the living room.

"I'm home!" You yell as you kick out your shoes and hang your jacket on the clothing rack besides the door.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Your daughter, Micha chants as she runs up to you, hugging your legs and looking up at you.

"Hey Mimi." You smile down at her as you softly brush your hand through her hair. Her face is covered with a few pencil stripes, but that wasn't unusual as she loved to draw.

"Welcome back baby." Taehyung's deep voice fills your ears, causing you to look up. You're met with the most unexpected sight.

Taehyung's hair sticks to all sides of his head, some strands tied up in a ponytail, and wipes in all colors covers his face, you can't help but laugh at the sight.

"I was gone for only half the day, what happened?" You laugh as you walk up to him. The only thing Taehyung does is grin at you, while Micha runs between you, tugging at the hem of your shirt.

"I gave daddy a make over!" She happily says, a proud smile on her lips.

"Ah, a make over! Well he looks... So handsome!" You smile at her. "You did a really good job Mimi!"

Taehyung proudly smiles and turns to Micha, raising his hand up for a high five. She giggles and happily smashes her hand against Tae's much bigger one.

"Daddy's always handsome, right princess?" Taehyung smiles at her. She aggresivly nods. "Always!"

You chuckle as you watch them. "Did daddy take a look into the mirror yet?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "I trust my little princess."

Micha grins widely at him before running off towards the living room, probably returning to her coloring book. When she's out of sight you burst out laughing.

"What?" Taehyung chuckles at your laughter. Without saying anything you fetch your phone, turning the front camera on before turning the device towards him, a smile never leaving your lips.

He looks at himself for a moment before he reaches a hand up to touch his face. He stares at himself through your phone as he lightly moves his fingers over his colored cheeks.

Just as he's about to say anything Micha runs back into the hallway. "Daddy look!" She says as she holds up a pink princess mirror. "Aren't you pretty?"

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