{68} Park Jimin

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I hate my height so so much (I'm like 6'4 for a girl) so I kinda put some self-love-to-your-height in it

I hate my height so so much (I'm like 6'4 for a girl) so I kinda put some self-love-to-your-height in it ❤

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"I'm home!" You yell as you shimmy your jacket off of your shoulders to hang it back on its place.

"I'm in the kitchen!" You hear Jimin's angelic voice. You smile as you walk into the kitchen, seeing him at the sink. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist in a backhug, even though backhugs with Jimin were never that comfortable.

You needed to lean down. Lean down.

Jimin wasn't that tall for a guy, and unfortunately, you were much taller than the average girl, meaning you were way taller than him. You were always insecure about your height, and when you met Jimin it wasn't any different.

"What are you doing?" You ask as you peek over his shoulder, having a clear view on what he did.

"Cleaning some strawberries. I found a big bush of them in the garden today."

"Oh. I never knew we had strawberries?" You ask confused.

"Neither did I, but I'm not complaning." He smiled and held up a strawberry. "They're really big and they look delicious."

You opened your mouth with a pop. "Ah!"

Jimin giggled and cut the leaves off of it, before moving his hand over his shoulder. You carefully bit into the strawberry, the juicy taste immediatly filling your senses. You hummed in content as Jimin cleaned some more. "They're delicious!"

"Really?" He asks in a happy voice. When you nodded, he cut the leaves off of another one before moving it to his own mouth. He hummed at the taste as well, making you smile. "Told you."

"You're never wrong." He smiled and went back to cleaning the other ones. You leaned your head down, resting it on his shoulder while you stood there, waiting for him to finish.

A few strawberries later he placed the little knife away, and reached his hand up to a little box on the shelve. When he groaned a little you raised your head.

"Can't reach it?" You ask. Jimin pouts and shakes his head. "I'm way too short."

"Jimin your height is perfect." You said and planted a kiss to his cheek before reaching up to easily grab the blue box he wanted.

He muttered a soft 'Thank you' before placing all of the strawberries in the box. Afterwards he washed his hands and turned around. You scrunch your nose up as you stretch your back to ease the tense muscles now you didn't have to lean down anymore.

"God I wish I was smaller." You pout. Jimin reaches up and cups your face. "I find your height just perfect." He says and stands on his toes to peck your lips. "It's cute how you have to lean down sometimes." He smiles and takes your hand in his, pulling you with him towards the livingroom.

You smile at his words and follow him, letting yourself fall down on the couch. Jimin rearranges your legs a little, before plopping down in between them, resting his back against your chest. You chuckle and wrap your arms around his waist.

"This is comfortable." He softly says. A smile finds its way to your features. "Actually, yeah. It is comfortable."

"What do you want to watch?" He asks, making you shrug. "Nothing, it doesn't really matter to me."

He reaches his hand for the remote, before switching the tv on. He switches a little between the programs before settling with a program about penguins. After a few minutes he's engrossed into the scenes of animals waggling over the screen, some of them sliding on their stomachs.

You never thought penguins were that interesting, so you look around the room a little. You always liked giraffes more, you thought the way they ran was just a fine masterpiece of art.

Suddenly your gaze rests on Jimin. Or more specifically, his hair. His fluffy blonde locks fall over his head perfectly, and it looked so soft in the light of the lamp next to the couch.

You can't help yourself. You release one arm from around his waist, bringing your hand up to brush your fingers through his hair. He tilts his head a bit, leaning into your touch. You softly smile as continue to gently brush your fingers through his soft locks.

After a while the program about penguins comes to an end. Jimin shifts a little as he grabs the remote, switching off the tv. You stop your hand motions on his hair and stretch your arms above your head as Jimin stands up.

"That felt nice." He smiles and makes a grabby hand to you. You smile and take his small hand in yours. "Really?"

He nods with a little hum, starting to walk to the bedroom.

"I can do it more often if you want?"

His eyes dissapear as he smiles an angelic smile. "Yes please."

You smile as well and once you reach the room you grab one of your hoodies from the closet. You lazily change as Jimin does the same, before getting under the thick covers of your bed.

Jimin turns on his side, his back facing you, and with a soft voice he speaks up. "Cuddle please?"

You chuckle and turn on your side as well, pressing your chest against his back as your arms sneak around his waist. He hums in content and shifts a little bit, trying to get comfortable.

"I love your height." He suddenly says.

"Yeah? Why is that?"

"Everytime I hug you I can hear your heartbeat, and everytime you hug me from behind your chest feels so soft, and I love cuddling and being the little spoon." He sums up. "You really don't have to feel insecure about your height. It's perfect."

It's quiet for a moment, a soft smile forming on your lips.

"Thank you, Jimin. That's really sweet."

He chuckles. "It's true."

"Well I love your height too. Everything you do is so cute, and when you reach for something like that box today you look so tiny and precious. I love you Jiminie."

He pressed back against your chest a little more. "I love you too."

A silence washes over the both of you as you relax, enjoying each other's warmth. You never thought you'd find love, because you always thought every boy likes short girls.

But you were wrong.

Ever since you met Jimin he was trying to make you feel better about your height, he always made sure to let you know how he loved it. Because of him you learned to love your height a little more, even though you were still struggling.

You tightened your arms a little around him. "Goodnight, Jiminie." You whispered against his blonde locks.

"Night night." He muttered back.

It didn't take long, before you felt yourself slowly drifting away, thinking about how you loved the little angel in your arms. Eventually, you fell asleep, comforted by each others warmth.


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