{41} Kim Seokjin

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You sighed and threw your bag aside

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You sighed and threw your bag aside. Today had been really stressful, and you felt the need to rant about it to someone. Didn't matter who, you just needed it off your chest.

"I'm home!" You yelled, waiting for a response.

"I'm in the bedroom!" You heard Jin yell. You walked towards the stairs. Jin and you have been together for almost three years now, and he was always there to listen to you if you needed to talk to someone, even when he was busy. He always made time for you, and you loved him for that.

You opened the door to the bedroom, and without sparing Jin a glance you let yourself fall face first on the bed. Your arms and legs spread out as you buried your face in a pillow. You groan as you kick your legs in the mattress. You heard Jin chuckle. "She must have had a hard day."

You turned on your back, keeping your eyes closed, ignoring the fact that he was talking in third person. "I did. Soyeon wouldn't stop talking to me about her family, and how she wants to travel to France sometimes. She's nice, but if she keeps talking about one thing for hours straight it gets so annoying."

"True." He pauses for a few seconds. "She looks so pretty like this, doesn't she?"

You frowned, eyebrows crinkling. "What?"

"You're pretty like that, everyone thinks so." Jin said more clearer. Your frown quickly changed into a smile. "Thank you~"

"She's always pretty though, so I'm not really surprised. One time she was doing her make-up in the car but then I had to suddenly stop because of the car in front of us, so she ended up getting lipstick all over her face." He said while laughing in between. "But she still looked like a goddess."

You brought your hands up to your face. "I did not! I still have a trauma from that, I looked horrible!"

Jin laughed with you. "To me you're always beautiful."

Your heart skipped a beat when he said that. Even though he complimented you a lot, it still warmed your heart when he said that. Call you a sucker for the attention, but you drowned in the praise.

"I know right! She's cute when she's shy!" He suddenly said. You furrowed your eyebrows and turned your head to where Jin was sitting, moving your hands away from your face.

"To who are you talki-"

Your eyes widened and you stopped talking when you saw he wasn't just sitting there and talking in third person. His large computer screen was on, showing the frame his camera captured. In the corner of the screen you saw comments, and in the top corner you saw the famous Vlive sign.

He was live.

You quickly turned around and hid your face from the camera. His fans knew he was dating you, but he didn't officially introduced you yet. They only knew your name, and some things about you he told them. On top of that you were very self-conscious, you were scared what the fans would think of you.

Jin chuckled. "C'mon, baby, they already saw your face, there's no point in hiding anymore now. Plus, I want to finally introduce you!" He whined, noticing your flustered state.

You really didn't want hate comments, but on the other hand you were curious about what the fans would think of you. You slowly stood up from your position on the bed, and made your way over to where he was sitting. Jin smiled and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist as he leant his chin on your shoulder.

You awkwardly waved to the camera. "Hey." You softly muttered, earning an 'Ahww' from Jin. You smiled because of him, and waited for him to introduce you.

"So, this is my sweet girlfriend! I hope you all welcome her with open arms and won't make any hateful comments towards her, that will make me really sad." Jin said while pouting a little. You softly smiled and awaited the reaction of the fans. You played with his fingers as you looked at the comments.

Treat Jinnie well for us!! Don't ever hurt him!!! 🥰

You're so pretty wth

You look so cute with Jinnie! 😩😍

You blinked a few times as you read their reactions. You didn't expect them to be this sweet. You smiled. "I will treat him like the king he is! Thank you, I hope you will approve of my relationship with him!" You politely said. Jin smiled. "Now that she's officially introduced I think I'll end this live."

You stood up and walked towards the bed, plopping down on the mattress before waving to the camera again. "Bye!"

"Byebye!" Jin said as well before he ended the live. After he shut off his computer he skipped over to the bed as well. You stretched your arms up in the air as Jin grabbed one of his hoodies.

He handed it to you before getting under the covers. "You can wear it to bed." He smiled. You thanked him as you quickly replaced your working clothes for one of his big hoodies, before getting under the covers next to him and snuggling closer to his broad chest.

"I'm happy they like me." You said as you closed your eyes. Jin chuckled. "I knew they would. You're just so... So likable, you're hard to hate."

You hummed as you felt him hug you closer. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me for being awesome." He chuckled. You lightly smacked his chest with your fist. "You're only this cheesy because you introduced me."

"Mhmm maybe." He said before placing a kiss to your forehead. "I told you they'd love you."

"I know, but you know how I feel with having myself out in the open for everyone to see."

"Don't worry too much about it."

You hummed as a response before snuggling closer into his chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He pressed another soft kiss to your forehead.

"Sleep well baby."

"Nighty." You whispered back as you got comfortable. Even though you felt unsure about it at first, you were glad you were now finally 'officially' his girlfriend.

You were happy the fans all reacted the way they did, but you knew there would also be hateful comments in the near future. It was just the way it is was, you couldn't change that.

Even so you were happy. You knew Jin would always be polite towards the fans, even the mean or non-accepting ones, and would explain things to them.

You softly smiled and started to drift away, thinking about how different your life would be from now on. You couldn't walk in public without covering your face, not even for something as simple as getting ice cream on a hot day.

You didn't mind it that much though, you were happy you didn't have to watch out for cameras while being around Jin, now that everyone knew.

With that thought, and while listening to his steady heartbeat, you drifted away into a dreamless sleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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