{45} Park Jimin

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"But, why not?"

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"But, why not?"

"I told you, I don't want to." You reply, dragging your brush through your hair. A heavy sigh is heard behind you, and you see Jimin brush his hand through his pink locks in frustration through the mirror.

"It'll be fun! Stop being such a boring person!"

You stop your hand's actions and put the brush down, before turning around in your seat to face him. "My answer stands. I have to go to college tomorrow, I can't afford to get wasted with the exams coming up."

He groans. "One day less for studying doesn't matter!"

"Chim, it does. I need to get a good grade for those exams."

"I know, but one night won't matter."

"I'm not changing my mind, you can go by yourself if you want. I'm not going."

"Gosh, why are you so boring?" He says as he crosses his arms.

"So just because I don't want to go to some stupid club to get wasted and possibly fail for my upcoming exams, I'm boring?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"Kinda, yeah. Why don't you just want to have fun with me?!" Jimin says, raising his voice a bit. You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I really don't want to argue with you right now."

"Yeah, sure, just ignore my question." He scoffs. "I didn't know you were so childish."

His words bring a little sting to your heart. Sure you've been called childish before, but when it comes from him, it hurts.

"I'm not childish." You say, your voice a tad softer than before.

He scoffs again. "You sure act like you are. I'm your boyfriend, the one who wants you to be happy! Can't you see those stupid exams give you stress? What's wrong with it if I want you to relieve some of that stress?!" He's full on yelling at you now.

Tears form behind your eyes due to anger and frustration, but you refuse to let them out.

"Just go on your own, Chim." Your voice is soft as you turn around. He sighs deeply, before you see him hastily grab his jacket and rush down the stairs, and eventually you hear the front door slam shut.

You shudder and bring your arms up, hugging yourself for comfort. You hated arguing with him, and yet you just did. You decided to just make yourself some coffee and started studying for school.


After a few hours you were done studying. Your brain felt like melted ice cream, and you were sure your head would explode if you'd read one more sentence. You looked at the little clock on your desk.


Jimin still hadn't come back home, and you started to worry. You slowly started to clean your desk, putting your books away in you bag and placing your pencils back where they belonged, before grabbing the empty coffee cup to place it in the sink downstairs.

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