{43} Kim Namjoon

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I'm sorry for the lack of activity the past week. Writers block sure is a bitch :"). I still have the block, but I managed to write this imagine. Feel free to be proud thank you 🤧

"Ugh, why is this so hard?!"  You groan as you let your pencil fall down on the book in front of you

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"Ugh, why is this so hard?!" You groan as you let your pencil fall down on the book in front of you.

"It's really not that difficult." Namjoon chuckled as he grabbed your wrist and placed the pencil back in your hand.

"It is!"

"English isn't that hard, trust me."

"You have easy to talk, you're already fluent." You sigh as you rest your head on your fist, leaning your elbow on the table.

Your boyfriend Namjoon is currently helping you with your English grammar, as you had a big test coming up. You knew how to do everything, but you had to know the certain forms and how they were called, and that's what you couldn't get into your brain.

You sit in front of the couch on the floor behind the small coffee table, which was covered with books and notebooks, pencils, crayons and erasers.

"And how do you think I learned it, huh?"

"You didn't have to learn, you're too smart."

Namjoon laughs and shakes his head, writing something down on a piece of paper before showing you. "Now tell me. What is this?" He asks while tapping the words with the back of the pencil. You look at the sentence he wrote, trying to figure out what it meant. You furrow your eyebrows, and you can just feel your brain hurting as you look at the words.

"I don't know" You eventually say, not knowing what to say else. "My brain hurts." You whine and rub your temples. Namjoon sighs as he leans back against the couch. "You're helpless."

"I told you, I suck at English grammar."

"You don't suck, you just have to get the hang of it. Let's just try another one." He says and begins writing again. You focus isn't with what he writes, but with the way he writes. The way he drags the pencil across the paper.

You always loved watching people write. You don't know why but in a way it's really calming. Watching the ink set on the white material of the paper, watching it form words.. It just looked so beautiful. And the way Namjoon wrote, his handwriting, made it even more mesmerizing.

"...is this?"

You turn your head towards Namjoon, lazily looking at him. "Mhm?"

He closes his eyes and let's his head hang down for a second, before looking back at you. "I said, what is this?"

You advert your gaze towards the paper again, and instead of just the ink you now focus on the words. You pout your lips as you think about what it could be.

"Oh, isn't this the imperfect form?" You ask as you look at Namjoon. His eyes widen as he smiles. "Yes! Finally you got one right"

"Really?" You smile. Namjoon nods, causing your smile to widen. "Nice! Time for a break." You say, and yawn as you lean back against the couch.

"You're not going to have a break when you just found out what the imperfect form is, we're gonna do another one."

"But I'm tireeed." You whine as you close your eyes.

"We're gonna do five more, then you can rest."

"Ugh, five is way too much, my brain has had enough torture." You say as you pull the sleeves of Namjoon's hoodie over your hands, trying to get some more warmth. Namjoon chuckles and pulls you up. You immediately rest your head on your hand again.

Namjoon is quick to write a new sentence on the paper, and underlines a few words before moving the paper over to you. You sigh and look at the sentence.

The words look like they're dancing over the paper, and you furrow your eyebrows as you try to make out what it is. Eventually you give up on trying, and just stare at the words, not able to concentrate anymore.

"You don't know, do you?" Namjoon softly asks. You shake your head and close your eyes. "I don't even know what you wrote."

Namjoon sighs and pats your knee a few times. "I'll get you something to drink and maybe a little snack, a short break won't hurt."

You softly smile as he stands up. "Thank you."

You watch him as he walks away, brushing your hand through your hair and yawning. You close your eyes and lay your arm flat out over the books, before placing your cheek on your arm.

You let out a yawn again and move a little to get comfortable, Namjoon's big hoodie giving you a lot of warmth. You've been practicing the grammar for a few hours now, and it really drained you from your energy.

Namjoon was an amazing teacher though, and you were happy he offered to help you. You slowly feel your eyes get heavy, and you yawn a last final time before you eventually give up on trying to stay awake, letting yourself fall asleep.


You wake up when you feel someone move behind you, noticing you're laying down. You slowly open your eyes, but you can't see anything as the lights weren't on.

"J-Joon?" You say a little scared and try to turn on your back, but something was stopping you.

"I'm here, don't worry." Namjoon softly says and places a kiss on your cheek. You smile and let him turn you on your side again, before you feel him place his arms around your waist to pull you close, back hugging you.

"You were supposed to do four more." He states.

"Sorry?" You apologize, not really meaning it. He chuckles. "It's okay. You were asleep when I got back in the living room. I had to drink the lemon tea you like so much all by myself."

"You made me lemon tea?! Why didn't you wake me up?" You pout as you lightly hit his arm around your waist with your fist.

"You looked so peaceful, and you were nagging about being tired for a whole hour. I just couldn't wake you up."

You yawn. "You owe me lemon tea tomorrow."

"Mhmm." He hums. "I promise."

"Good." You say as you close your eyes, feeling his arms tighten around you. Namjoon lightly kisses your shoulder as you get comfortable.

"I love you baby, goodnight."

"I love you too." You whisper, already half asleep. Namjoon takes a deep breath. You feel his chest rise against your back, before it falls down again as he breathes out, the feeling making you smile.

You slowly feel yourself drift away in his arms, something you always loved. Namjoon always made you feel protected and safe, he just had that aura around him. You could hear him breath in and out, as the room was completely silent. You always loved to hear him breath, it was like a reminder he was there with you.

You let your body relax, and you slowly fall asleep for the second time that day, accompanied by the sounds of your boyfriend breathing behind you.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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