{80} Kim Taehyung ~ Important AN

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2007 words

Important A/N at the end!

This is the first imagine I've ever written by hand! It was during a small getaway, but it rained aaaalll day long so I figured I'd do this :) Hope you guys like it 💞

Ps, I'm so in love with this gif 🤧

You thightened your grip on the RJ pillow in your hands, your eyes widening as you watched the scenes play out in front of you

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You thightened your grip on the RJ pillow in your hands, your eyes widening as you watched the scenes play out in front of you.

The way he moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
The way he softly smiled at her.
The way he leaned in.
The way he devilishly smirked, lips almost touching as he waited for her to make the first move.
The way she whined.
And finally, the way he planted his lips on hers, before the screen went black.

You squealed and rolled over on the couch, throwing the pillow in front of you before burrying your face in it to hide a scream. You finally finished the drama you were watching, and the ending couldn't be any better. In the end, all of your ships came true, and the lead characters looked so cute together.

While still smiling like an idiot, you sat back up, switching the television off and grabbing the large bowl of chips from the table. You had eaten most of it but there was still a few handfulls left. You munched away on the chips, recalling the drama in your head.

It must have took a while to create it, as there were many plottwists, but it somehow always made sense, even though you never really saw it coming.

When you finished all the leftover snacks you stood up, picked up the empty bowls and walked to the kitchen, placing them on the counter. After you did that you suddenly made the decicion to make a huge comfortable fort, just becayse you could. You smiled as you quickly darted up the stairs to gather all the comfortable things you had.

You grabbed the few pillows from the bed in the quest room and walked to your shared bedroom with your boyfriend, who currently was on tour with the rest of the boys. You threw all the pillows on the bed and made your way to the dresser, opening a cabinet and getting out a few spare blankets. With a happy little smile evident on your features you then proceeded to rearange everything on the bed, creating one big pile of comfortableness.

After you were done, you took a step back, looking at your work proudly. You sighed contently and moved a hand up, patting yourself on your shoulder.

"You did well. Good job." You told yourself, before taking a breath and launching yourself at the bed. With a huff you landed into the blankets. Just when you made yourself comfortable on the bed, you heard your phone ring. You struggled a little on the fluffyness to grab your phone, but when you did, a smile made its way on your face. You quickly pressed the green button on the screen and brought the device up next to your ear.

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