{88} Kim Taehyung

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I love my dog more than anything but where can I get myself a Yeontan.

I wrote this in like, half an hour so it's kinda short and rushed >~<

I wrote this in like, half an hour so it's kinda short and rushed >~<

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"I can't believe you did this."

"I didn't mean to do it, I swear!"

"But you still did it!"

A groan left Taehyung's lips as soon as you finished your sentence.

"It's Jiminie-Hyung's fault!"

"That's what they all say."  You said, looking down as you shook your head at his actions.

It wasn't like you were mad at him or something, you could never really get mad at him, honestly. Just the thought of teasing him a little sounded really appealing to you.

"For the love of- Why can't you just believe me?!"  He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat.

"Because I believe Jimin's story more."  You said all too calmly. Taehyung was shocked by your words, if his expressions were anything to go by.

"We're done talking."  He said before walking out of the door, leaving Yeontan behind.

Said dog sat on your bed, looking at you with big doe eyes as if he understood what you just talking about with your boyfriend.

"Yeah, I know, I shouldn't do that to him." You sighed.  "But did you see his expression?"  You asked Tan as you plopped down on the bed next to him.

He immediately jumped on your lap, pawing at your hand playfully. You smiled and started petting him, scratching him in all the right places you knew would make him putty in your hands.

You heard Taehyung walking on the stairs, coming back up. He opened the door rather harshly, both you and Yeontan looking up.

"I forgot my dog" He breathed in a monotone voice. "Tannie come!" He called out in a much high-pitched voice, always one to talk in a baby voice when he was talking to Yeontan.

The dog, however, didn't move from your lap, seemingly pretty comfortable as he licked away at your hands.

"Taann~" Tae called out sweetly, hoping to get the dog to jump up and come to him. All you did was smile as you watched him struggle, continuing to pet Yeontan.

The groaned. "Fine. Stay there. Just know that you won't get cuddles from me tonight!" He said before walking out again.

You all but chuckled. "He didn't mean that, Tan. I'm sure you'll get even more cuddles as me, you lucky bastard."

Yeontan looked up at you as he swagged his tail from side to side, his little body moving along as he was seemingly happy with your answer.

You continued petting Tan for a little, after a while moving backwards on the bed to rest your back against the headboard.

After what seemed like forever, Taehyung finally returned to the room. He ignored you and just walked into the ensuite bathroom. You just scratched Yeontan behind his ear and waited for Tae to return, knowing he couldn't be all too angry once he saw you and Tan all cuddled up.

He always made such a big deal about you and Yeontan getting along when you first started hanging out. He even went as far as putting you in a room for a couple of hours, just to see how things would work out.

With success though. Yeontan and you were a team now. He was always cuddled up with you on the couch when you watched a movie, always took at least one of your socks with him when he was about to sleep and you weren't there, and always jumped on your lap the second you sat down next to him.

He was your little buddy. You loved him more than anyone else.

Well expect for Taehyung of course, you loved him too.

When said male came back into the room, he was dressed in nothing but sweats. His hair stuck in every direction, as if he brushed through it with his hands and didn't care how it fell at all.

He walked over to the bed, laying down under the covers and turning his back towards you, turning the lights off with the little remote on the nightstand afterwards.

"Goodnight." He said, his voice monotone. You rolled your eyes and smiled. "You can't possibly still be mad at me."

He all but shrugged, not saying anything in response. You tapped Yeontan his belly a few times before whispering something to him and pointing at Tae. You knew he couldn't really understand you, but this wasnt the first time Taehyung had acted this way, so you just hoped Tan would do the same as all those other times.

And he did, standing up and clumsily jumping over the covers to get to Tae. In the meantime you got under the covers as well, the cool air of the night causing goosebumps to appear on your skin.

You laid down on your side, watching as Yeontan stood with his front paws on Tae's shoulder, just looking around and occasionally moving his paws a little.

"Someone wants your attention." You said, hoping to get him to turn around, which he luckily did after a heavy sigh.

He didn't pay you any mind, just started petting his dog.

You pouted and patted the space in front of you, getting Tan's attention. You patted the space some more, effectively luring Tan into your arms. You smiled smugly and looked at Tae while cuddling the fluffy ball of happiness close to your chest.

Taehyung looked at you with wide eyes, seemingly not believing the scene in front of him.

"You didn't." He started.

"Oh, but I did." You smirked. He blinked a few times and sighed. "Fine. You win."

You smile brightly in victory and scoot closer to him, moving Yeontan along with you. Taehyung pressed a kiss to Yeontan's head, wrapping his arms around your waist before kissing your forehead as well.

"Now tell me." He said. "Why didn't you believe me?"

You chuckled. "Because I knew you'd get all pouty, and I love me some pouty Tae." You smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair. Taehyung just scoffed in disbelieve and moved a little to get comfortable. "You better choose my story to believe next time."

You smiled and started petting Yeontan's ears, the little dog still laying in between the two of you. His eyes were closed, tiny snores leaving him. It was the cutest sight.

Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes as well, his arm on your waist getting heavier as he relaxed his muscles.

You didn't mind the weight though, it reminded you he was there rather than on the other side of the bed. It made you feel safe and happy.

A heavy sigh left Yeontan, his head moving a little before he relaxed again. You absolutely loved this dog to pieces, as well as the man who brought him into your life.

Almost inaudible snores started to fall from Taehyung's lips as he fell asleep, you following shortly after.

Goodnight ❤❤

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