{8} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin

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"I'm home!"  You yell as you close the door behind you and kick off your shoes

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"I'm home!" You yell as you close the door behind you and kick off your shoes. You were about to walk further down the hall when you freeze, blinking twice.

"Wait something's off." You mutter to yourself.

No happy Jimin running towards you with a dumb smile plastered on his face.

No happy Jin behind him with some muffins he had just baked.

"Guys?" You walk in the living room. "Hello~ your amazing kind sweet and pretty girlfriend is back from a day of work and would appreciate a hug~"


You walk over to the kitchen and frowned at what you saw there. Suplies you'd need for baking something were spread out over the counter, but no Jin behind it to do something with them. You walk upstairs to your room and hear muffled voices.

You knock softly on the door. "Hellow??"

"Ah you're home, finally!" Jin quickly stands up and runs over to you.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Jin looks over to the bed. Jimin lays there, back turned towards you, knees pressed up against his chest, and not moving at all.

"He hasn't said anything in an hour."

You furrow your eyebrows. That wasn't something for the bubbly Jimin you knew. The once cheerful and happy Jimin, now sulking on the bed.

"Chiminieee." You say cutely and walk over to him to sit beside him on the bed. "What wrong baby boy?"

He just hums annoyed, the sound highpitched and whiney and he presses his cheek further into the pillow. You lay your hand on his shoulder and softly rock him back and forth.

"Don't ignore me Jiminie."

He hums again and pulls his knees closer to his chest.

"He's been like this for an hour now, nothing works to make him happy again." Jin sits down next to you.

"Jiminie please talk to me." You say again. It hurt you seeing him like this.

Finally he turns around and gives the two of you a glare before casting his gaze away. His eyes are swollen and his cheeks puffy. You can see the clear tear stains on his cheeks.

"Ahw Jiminie, why were you crying?" You ask him as he lays his head in your lap. He grabs your shirt in his fist and you start playing with his hair as he sniffles.

"Told you, he won't talk."

You shot Jin a shut-up-I'm-trying look before you hear a muffled voice. You look down on Jimin. "What was that, love?"

"I missed you." He says again, now more louder.

"Ahw baby. I was away for only a few hours, and you know I'll always come back home." You didn't had to work considering their jobs, but you insisted in getting a job yourself. Today was your first day, and apparently Jimin wasn't happy with you leaving the house for half a day.

"That's too long." He mutters and frowns, sniffing again.

"I hate to see you sad Chim so we're gonna cheer you up." Jin says as he jumps up. He grabs Jimin's arms and pulls him up to his feet. He cups his cheeks and wipes away the tear stains with his thumbs. "And she's back now so don't cry."

You smile as stand up too, hugging Jimin. "Don't cry Jiminie."

Finally that smile of his comes to view and nods.

"Let's make muffins! I started it but couldn't finish it." Jin pouts and pulls you downstairs, getting to work immediately. While Jin prepares the dough for the muffins, you look for the stuff that would color it and Jimin looks for the decorations.

"Ah found it!" He smiles after a few moments and holds up the pink sprinkles.

"Good, because they're ready to go into the oven."

"They're not gonna be colored, I can't find it." You pout.

"Ah that's okay, Jin's muffins are always good whatever color they are."

"Oh, thank you." Jin said as he wipes a non excisting tear away from his eyes. The waiting for the muffins to be done felt like ages, so while you wait for the muffins, you start coloring some things in the coloring book of Jimin.

"This one looks like a dragon." Jin says ad he draws the eye of his creature.

"A pretty pink one?" Jimin asks and looks up at the taller with hopeful eyes.

"Of course it's pink! It's the most amazing color ever!" Jin exclaims and you can't help but smile at the conversation as you try to draw some flowers on the side.

When the muffins are finally ready to be finished, you patiently wait at the counter as Jin pulls them out.

"They can be hot so watch out." He warns.

"Yeah yeah." Jimin and you say in sync.

"I'm gonna write Jin's name on this one." Jimin says as he grabs a muffin.

"Thank you." Jin wipes away his non excisting tear of proudness.

"Then I'll write your name on this one" You grab a muffin too.

"Then I'll do your name!" Jin grabs one as well. After all the muffins are done and decorated with your names, hearts and stars you all took one to try.

You took a bite, and you sigh in relief. They're soft in your mouth and they taste vanilla like but with a hint of chocolate and the pink sprinkles Jimin poured all over them bursted between your teeth.

"Jin these taste amazing!" You praised him after you swallowed.

"Hyuwng thewe awe- sow goowd!" Jimin says as he continues chewing.

"Yah, don't talk while you're eating!" Jin scolds him, but it's only half heartedly as he smiles in gratitude.

After you all had a taste and were amazed at how good they tasted you all go upstairs to your shared bedroom, tired and ready to fall asleep. You lazily change into your pyjama's and go to bed.

"They were so dilicious Jinnie!"

"They always are Jimin, Jin is just that good at cooking."

"Ahww." Jin exlaimes and smiles goofily, his cheeks puffing out. Jimin climbs in next to you and hugs you as Jin wraps his arms around you from behind.

"So you're happy again?" You ask Jimin and smile softly. He quickly nods and smiles his adorable eyesmile.

"Absolutely. But we have to do this everytime you go to work, because I'll be sad again if you leave us." He said, his smile changing into a pout.

"I'm not leaving you, I'll always come back."


"I certainly wouldn't mind getting more praised for my cooking a couple times a week." Jin chuckles, his chest moving against your back. You all smile and soon after yawn in sync.

"Goodnight guys." You lean over to Jimin and give him a sweet kiss on his plump lips. Afterwards you turn your head around to give Jin a goodnight kiss as well. It was an awkward position but that didn't stop you from pressing your lips against his.

"Goodnight." He whispers against your lips as he closes his eyes, soon followed by yours. You take a deep breath as you relax. Soon you feel yourself drifting away, and after a few minutes of calmness and relaxing, you fall asleep after a very well deserved muffin party with your boys.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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