{27} Park Jimin PT.1

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Before we start, you might've seen that this isn't a regular Imagine, since it's called  'PT.1'
I wasn't planning on making another part, but two of my friends might've cried when I let them read this.🤧 That means a lot to me, and one of my friends really wanted a part 2, so yeah.
Here you go~💚

You groan as you roll over for the hundredth time that day

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You groan as you roll over for the hundredth time that day. You always felt like this when your period was coming up, but the weird part of it was that there was no period this time.

You felt that crazy feeling so you quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. You brushed your hair aside and threw up. You hadn't got out of bed today for anything, only to run to the bathroom and throw up.

You groaned again and looked into the mirror. You looked horrible. Hair all messed up from the turning in bed, bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep, and pale cheeks from throwing up everything you ate the whole time. The worst thing was that your husband, Jimin, wasn't home. He insisted on staying home, but you knew how important his work was for him, so you told him to go to his work.

Oh how you regretted that now.

You brushed your hair back, a habit you got from him, and splashed some water into your face. You sighed before throwing up again. Tears from confusion started to form in your eyes as you walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. You grabbed your phone with shaking hands and went on a search. You needed to know the reason for this.

Sure you had some ideas, but you couldn't be. You always used protection and everything and you were sure the pills still worked the last time. You opened the first website that popped up and scrolled through it.

After looking at some websites the only conclusion was that you could maybe be pregnant. And the only option to confirm that was to test it. You walked to the bathroom again and opened some cabinets, trying to find where you had left it. You had got a test from your best friend on your birthday once as a joke, because she really wanted to be aunt. You never threw it away, which you were thankful for now.

Finally you found the pink little box. You quickly opened it and scanned the description before taking the test. The two minutes you had to wait for the results to come up were the longest ever, but apparently it gave your body time to make you throw up twice more.

After the two minutes were over you washed your hands and grabbed the pink device. Your eyes widened and you stepped back, sitting down on the floor and resting your back against the bathtub. Your eyes got teary again as you looked at the two straight blue lines.

You couldn't believe you were pregnant.

Tears flowed down your cheeks, but it weren't sad tears. You were happy. You were going to be a mother, of course you were happy! Then Jimin popped up in your mind. You quickly stumbled to your feet again and ran to the bedroom to get your phone.

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